Hungarians consume very small amount of sheep meat
The supports are the key basis to generate revenue for the sheep farmers for many years. It is an unhealthy condition and cannot be sustainable in long terms.
Proper professionals would be needed to the recovery of the industry. The average age of workers in sheep farming is much more than fifty years, and higher preparedness is necessary to take advantage of the market trends and support options. On the side of the subsidies it is a definite step forward that the support of the sheep sector will be increased from last year’s 4.1 billion HUF to 9.4 billion HUF this year – the ministry announced. But Hungarians consume very small amount of sheep meat, only 30 decagrammes a year. (, Fórián Zoltán vezető agrárszakértő, Takarékbank Zrt., Agrár Központ)
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