They are looking for the country’s most professional amateur grillers

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 05. 10:58

On September 14, in Dunaharaszti, the VIII. For the Füstös Nyúl Cup and BBQ Festival, in the framework of which, among other things, the official Hungarian steak-grilling championship, recognized by the international association, will be organized. The winner of the competition, which takes place according to carefully laid out rules and includes many foreign contestants, earns the right to enter the world championship of the genre in Texas. In addition, according to the organizers, the main goal of the open event, accompanied by high-quality programs, is to form a good community among home barbecuers, which have been increasing by leaps and bounds in recent years, and to make more and more people realize that this “sport” can be practiced at a high level even as a hobby.

Although grill & BBQ has not been included in the Olympic program recently, if it were, our country would not start with bad chances. Every year since 2020, there has been at least one Hungarian in the top 10 of the European rankings, and two are currently in the continent’s top 5. The stronghold of the category is of course the United States, where more than 200 accredited competitions were organized this year alone, but the European competition calendar is also getting denser, of which the competition to be held next Saturday, in the immediate vicinity of the capital, is an integral part.

The competitions include the BBQ beef side and the hamburger, while the children can compete separately in making hot dogs. The main category is steak, where every team receives a boneless Ribeye of the same quality from the organizers to ensure equal opportunities. The entrants enjoy a great deal of freedom when it comes to the preparation, and the jury, consisting of qualified members and led by an international delegate, finally evaluates and announces a winner based on the aspects of taste, well doneness, texture, appearance and overall effect, the competition is still open to the participating teams .

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