Magazine: Convenient solutions in cleaning (Part 2)
General cleaners can be found in practically all households. These products are most frequently used for large surfaces, for instance when washing the floor. According to Henkel’s expert Bernadett Vékásy, there is an abundance of products in the market and it is difficult for general cleaners to stand out from the crowd. 750ml is the most popular product size and various cleaning products under the same brands are often sold in promotion together. Unilever’s experience is that general cleaners only represent a small segment of the market and sales growth was only little last year. Viktor Hegedűs told our magazine that consumers are trying to buy more consciously, putting fewer products in their basket. This trend could entail sales growth in both the lower-priced and the premium segment. Reckitt Benckiser’s Lukáš Klimek explained to us that successful innovations satisfy a wide range of consumer needs. Shoppers want a good price-value ratio, convenience, efficiency and innovation when choosing a product. Demand for eco-friendly products is growing, but even environmentally conscious consumers are looking at the price tag. Szilvia Madari from Flyfit Kft. told Trade magazin that their Winni’s products are concentrates, so they are both ‘green’ and economical; 1-litre products tend to be the most popular. Major brands such as Henkel’s Bref communicate on every platform to reach as many consumers as possible – TV is key among these as Hungarians watch television many hours a day. Creating exciting online content is also an objective. Unilever brands like to implement educative campaigns. Domestos has been sponsoring a flue prevention campaign for years and plays a special role in creating a hygienic environment for newborns. Reckitt Benckiser focuses on in-store activities and television commercials have a leading role in brand communication. Secondary placement is also important and in launching new products they give priority to educative and rapid brand awareness increasing campaigns. Flyfit Kft. believes in the power of online communication. Luckily customers trust Winni’s products and they are loyal to the brand. The company communicates via its website and on Facebook. In February-March 2015 Vileda supports Easy Wring&Clean with a large-scale television campaign. Edit Oláh explained that they had picked this date because the period before Easter is very important in the big spring clean. Bonus Kft.’s Andrej Botos told our magazine that in September they used television commercials, billboards, in-store displays and YouTube pre-roll ads in their new MicroDUO campaign. In 2015 Sarantis mainly helps its new floor care category with print ads and BTL activities. Károly Deli informed us that in-store presence also matters to Domet so several POS tools, metal and carton displays will also be waiting for shoppers in stores.
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