Interview with László Kovács, president of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs
Last December László Kovács was elected president of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI).
K. L. :– I can already feel the weight of the burden, there are lots of tasks and I have already had many sleepless nights. I will need new people to realise my plans, but I would also like to use the knowledge and experience of the former presidency. My vision is that in the years to come MVI will not be led by one person, but by a team: the presidency. For this type of work we need people who have an inclination for competence. I am the kind of person who likes to take an active part in shaping things, someone who is willing to act for the community. We definitely need to increase the number of MVI members, we will try to establish an active, region-based network outside Budapest. We will establish a permanent secretariat, the head of which will be a competent person – Mónika Kaplár F. We will inform members about professional competitions and trade fairs; we will even organise trips to these if there is demand for it. It seems that there is a political will for making progress, for instance in the field of education. However, the profession still does not have real representatives. I am happy about the Michelin star and I can see good initiatives and signs of development. My view is that all professional competitions are very important – MVI will try to do its best to support these. As for the problems in education, a better organisation of adult education can solve them. Kovács L. is 50 years old, and owner of La Fiesta party service. Studies: College of Commerce, Catering and Tourism. After college he worked as a waiter in Atrium Hyatt for five years. He was the head of a restaurant in the Hungarian pavilion at Sevilla Expo. He started La Fiesta party service in 1998 and works with 19 colleagues. He is married and has a son (24) and a daughter (22).
László Kovács
Owner of La Fiesta party service • 50 years old • Studies: College of Commerce, Catering and Tourism, Gundel vocational secondary school • After college he worked as a waiter in Atrium Hyatt for five years. He was the head of a restaurant in the Hungarian pavilion at Sevilla Expo. He started La Fiesta party service in 1998 and works with 19 colleagues. He is married and has a son (24) and a daughter (22). n
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