Good news for Hungarian livestock breeders! South Korea has lifted its ban on European pork and poultry imports

By: STA Date: 2022. 09. 05. 13:50

South Korea lifted the ban on the entire European pork and poultry trade due to African swine fever in 2018, and due to bird flu in 2021, the measure benefits 14 European countries, including Hungary, the Brussels body informed on Monday.

Domestic animal breeders can breathe a sigh of relief (Photo: Pixabay)

According to the statement of the EU Commission, the Korean step taken in accordance with its obligations in the agreement concluded with the World Trade Organization (WTO) proves the trust in the EU food control system. The decision enables more predictable trade with the Asian country and increases EU export opportunities for a sector that is currently facing serious difficulties, they wrote.

The European Union remains committed to the fight against animal diseases and supports the export of EU food products that meet the highest standards and guarantees for animal health and food safety, the European Commission added in a statement.