Jelentős kormányzati segítséget kap a turizmus az MTÜ javaslatai alapján

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 11. 16. 11:16

In order to support the sector, at the initiative of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ), the government decided on six measures within the framework of a comprehensive package that will greatly ease the burden of tourism businesses, improve their economic situation and at the same time help their daily operations. The measures affect tourism development contribution, working time frame, SZÉP Card regulation, NTAK data provision, VIZA data provision and accommodation qualification.

Several billion forints remain with the service providers

The burden on service providers operating in the sector is reduced by the fact that for the period between October 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023, the tourism development contribution (TFH) does not have to be established, declared, or paid. Thanks to this, several billion forints remain with the service providers.

Instead of the 4 months provided by default in the Labor Code, in order to ensure efficient and flexible working time organization, the employer can again assign a working time frame of up to 24 months to workers in the tourism sector.

The SZÉP Card is one of the most important tools for encouraging domestic tourism, its basic purpose is to increase the turnover of tourism service providers and promote their profitable operation. This goal is reinforced by the fact that a proposal is being made to cancel and merge the sub-accounts of the SZÉP Kártya.