A report from the board room

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2018. 05. 20. 05:22

Whatever our work is, soon software will become an indispensable part of our lives…After the recession that broke out in 2008 sales are now growing again. Although retail has to cope with the problem of the workforce shortage at the moment, the faces in the board room are more smiley now than before. What are directors most concerned with at the moment?

Judit Szalókyné Tóth
Boyden Executive Search

Adapting to the rapid changes caused by technological development, recruiting and keeping workers with the necessary knowledge, finding the data they need in the ocean of data, using artificial intelligence, etc. We must be aware of the fact that the next 5-10 years will bring great changes and those companies that can’t react to these, will fall behind in the competition. What is more, the important decisions need to be made in an increasingly complex environment. //