György Jaksity: ‘In some sense it was us who created this situation’
Why is it a good decision to let the younger generations take leading positions? Are we able to decide rationally, or are we always influenced by our emotions? What kind of world is waiting for us after the pandemic? In Trade magazin’s first podcast, György Jaksity, the founder of Concorde Értékpapír Zrt. was Szilvia Krizsó’s guest. Mr Jaksity spoke about the importance of financial executives stepping down and giving way to young managers, who can incorporate changes more. He also explained the changes they had made at Concorde in order to make progress
György Jaksity told in connection with the pandemic that in some sense it was us who created this situation, by not noticing the positive processes that occurred from humanity’s perspective in the past few decades. The only exception is climate change: in this domain we are already in the 24th hour, so probably this century will be the century of pandemics.
Mr Jaksity believes that economic performance will return to the 2019-2020 level in 2022. In his view the big question is whether the pandemic took care of the necessary cleansing that usually recessions do – if not, another economic slowdown will follow. He added that currently central banks are pouring money into the markets, but this is going to change if the inflation pressure grows considerably.
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We air our Future Talks business podcast shows with Szilvia Krizsó every Monday at 5.00 P.M.
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