Description of plant protection product active ingredient lists related to support programs (AKG, AÖP)
Nébih’s plant protection experts compile annual lists of plant protection active substances prohibited in various support programs, as well as those that can be used in them. Every year, the authority receives many questions regarding the interpretation of the lists. The office provides assistance in orientation with the following summary.

(Photo: Pixabay)
Blacklists: The list of plant protection product active ingredients that can be used in the European Union is contained in the annex* of the EU legislation on plant protection products. When creating the ban lists, the authority always uses this list as a basis. The active ingredient that is not included in the annex to the EU regulation, or whose approval has been revoked by the authority, cannot be used in plant cultivation in the territory of the Union. It is important to know that previously banned active substances, such as chlorpyrifos, fipronil, diquat, or active substances that have never been authorized at the EU level, such as chlorfacinone, are not included in the ban lists of the support programs, because their use is clearly prohibited even without it. This restriction is not overridden even if a preparation with an active ingredient that is no longer approved receives an emergency permit from the authority for 120 days. The emergency permit can only provide the opportunity to defend those who do not participate in the support programs. The prohibited list of the support programs includes active substances that can be used in general in the Union, but at the same time, farmers cannot use them due to their commitments related to the specific support program. The purpose of the subsidy is to encourage producers to choose alternatives that may be less economically, but at the same time more favorable from the point of view of protecting the environment, in addition to compensating for possible crop losses. Preparations with new active ingredients approved during the year can be used in subsidy programs containing the prohibited list, subject to compliance with the terms of the license document. In this case, it is an active substance authorized in the Union, which is certainly not included in the prohibited list of the support program.
Another important piece of information is that from 2024, the authority will no longer display product names, but only active ingredients on the prohibited lists. The reason for this is that, in previous years, the wrong conclusion was formed in many cases about the example preparations that help the comprehensibility of the lists, that the use of only these specific preparations is prohibited.
Positive lists
In the support programs to which a positive list is linked, only those preparations with active ingredients that are on the announced positive list can be used. In the case of a new active ingredient approved during the year, preparations containing the given active ingredient cannot, by definition, be used in support programs with a positive list, since the active ingredient in question is definitely not on the positive list. In the case of preparations with an authorization document amended during the year, the product label must be observed, as the content of the authorization document can change significantly. It may happen that in the meantime, due to some unfavorable properties, the authority withdraws the product from certain crops, and the usable dose or the phenological phase allowed for use may also change.
Nébih draws the attention of the affected farmers to the fact that the usage regulations contained in the license documents must be observed in all cases! When participating in the support program, the risk of sanctions can be minimized by consistently applying these rules.
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