Food retail sales to grow this year

By: trademagazin Date: 2015. 05. 15. 12:00

Food retail sales grew again both in value and volume. The shops reached revenues of around 490 billion HUF between December 2014 and March 2015 in the Ninety categories measured by Nielsen; 5 percent more than in the previous corresponding period, in terms of volume 4 percent more – the Retail Index of the Nielsen consumer information and knowledge services company reveals among others.


“In terms of value the sales of beer (+6percent), soft drinks (+7percent) and fruit juice (+9percent) increased by above the average from one of the four month period to the another ” – Barta Mónika, Senior Account Manager of Nielsen told. “In addition bitter (+18 percent), snacks (+11 percent), and energy and sports drinks (+12 percent) also achieved a remarkable double-digit growth.”

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