Where do men screw up that they live years less than women?
According to 2022 KSH data, the life expectancy at birth of an average Hungarian man is only 74 years. This is three years behind the European average, and six years less than that of women. This is the life expectancy, but the number of years spent in good health is even less, according to the WHO report, the average for Hungarian men is only 64 years. This means that they are already struggling with health problems in their retirement years. The reasons for this sad forecast can certainly be traced back to lifestyle and nutrition, says the National Association of Hungarian Dietitians.
One of the biggest problems is regular and excessive alcohol consumption. We are the world leader in terms of the number of alcoholics in proportion to the population: almost a quarter of the people living in Hungary are affected, which puts us ahead of a whole range of nations that are popularly considered to be heavy drinkers, including the British, Irish, Germans, Italians and French, but even the Russians are behind us. When broken down by gender, the Hungarian data are even more spectacular: more than a third of men, 36.9 percent, are alcoholics, compared to 7.2 percent of women.
The other area where it is also frustrating that we are among the first in international terms is overweight and obesity. As one of the most obese nations in the world, nearly two-thirds of our society struggles with this, and in this area too, men have priority, because their diet is characterized by a high-fat diet, an unfavorable ratio of animal and plant-based foods, i.e. a lot of meat, fatty dairy products, and fat consumption compared to the recommended total worth of cereals, fruit and vegetable consumption. They use a lot of salt, which increases the risk of developing high blood pressure and many tumors, their fiber intake is low, and their diet is deficient in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to this, which can be proven to be associated with obesity and the risk of certain diseases, not to mention that regular exercise would also help a lot in overcoming permanent stress.
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