How does lunch get on our tables?

By: trademagazin Date: 2007. 03. 28. 08:00

Logistic trends are similar even among the smallest restaurants to those observed in commerce or vehicle manufacturing: global purchasing, just-in-time deliveries, minimum level of stocks. Supplying the needs of a restaurant is a very special task. Usually, very specific requirements need to be met in small quantities. Locations for restaurants are not chosen with regard to logistic considerations and are usually difficult to access. Early morning deliveries should not disturb neighbours. The best chefs and managers insist on selecting materials personally and only take the best quality. There at least two dozen restaurants in Budapest which purchase their materials from Vienna. – It’s getting more difficult to buy good quality materials – says György Rezi, owner of restaurant Serpenyős. It’s not that supplies are getting worse, but today we compare ourselves to Western standards. Industrial scale logistic solutions require industrial size clients. Supplying fast food chains is similar to supplying retail chains. Usually, standard quantities of half-processed products in standard packaging are delivered. Big chains generally have enough restaurants to make maintaining own logistic centres and fleets economic, or to outsource the whole activity like McDonalds has done. Suppliers working with big restaurant or hotel chains generally use EDI and even RFID systems. – We hardly keep any stock, everything is purchased fresh – says Attila Máhr, manager of Aranysárkány restaurant in Szentendre. – Nowadays, we can buy everything in hyper markets or wholesale markets. Organising an efficient kitchen is just as great a logistic challenge as organising production in a manufacturing plant. The storage-preparation-cooking-serving-dish washing process has to be as fast as possible. This requires perfect organisation of tasks, with attention to minute details. Kitchens need a practical lay out, which some chefs prefer to work out personally, while others employ professionals designers to do it for them.

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