Common trademark for historic European wine producing regions. Representatives of wine regions which belong to the world heritage have agreed on working out uniform marketing tools and the introduction of a common trademark.
Saslik production facility under construction in Mórahalom. Fléma Snacks Kft. is constructing a production facility worth EUR four million, which is expected to start operation in May 2008. Production of the Belgian owned family business is to be exported.
Pannon Baromfi re-launched. A one year business plan has been worked out for the company which is under liquidation at the moment to allow it to expand it production gradually. 80,000 chicken per week have been processed since 20. September, but this quantity will be increased to 200,000 per month by January.
Production of Cif to be relocated from The Netherlands to Nyírbátor. Production of the plant in eastern Hungary is to be increased by 50 per cent in 2009, which will continue to produce detergents for the Russian-Ukrainian market.
Travel Awards for Kempinski. Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest has finished in first place in three categories of the competition also known as the Oscar of the travel business.
First integrated commercial park in Hungary opening in Vecsés. Market Central Ferihegy is the first commercial development project of AIG/Lincoln and the pioneering model of the concept. Similar facilities are to be built in Szeged and Miskolc in the future.
Mozarella and ricotta production facility of Óvártej Rt. opened. The HUF 500 million plant will produce 3,000 tons of mozarella cheese and Italian ricotta annually.
Nordsee expanding in Central and Eastern Europe. The German company intends to open 150 restaurants in the region under the name Campo’s, where food will be prepared in front of the guests.
Auchan expecting a 5-6,5 per cent expansion in revenues. Despite the stagnation in the Hungarian food market and the recession in the non-food categories, the number of customers recorded by the retail chain is growing. They will begin selling their own private label products next year.
Burger King introducing private label chips. The American fast food chain is to begin selling the new product line in two flavours and four sizes of packaging in the local market, in October.
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