Over a thousand Chineses companies coming. The Chinese prime minister has confirmed their intention to make Hungary a regional bridgehead.
Successful winter invasion. The campaign for promoting Budapest hotels called Winter Invasion was successful, bringing 5500 extra guests and 25 500 extra nights. Most of the guests came from Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy.
ISO 22000 certificate for a supplier of McDonalds. Hungarorak Kft, has been the first among logistic businesses in Hungary to be granted an ISO 22000 certificate for operating a food safety system.
Hungarian joint venture established by Hubbard SAS. The company which is one of the three largest in the world market and has a 20 per cent market share, established a joint venture with Agrabona Baromfitenyésztő Kft.
Hungarian wine winning in Vinitaly. A 2006 Mátrai Pinot Noir, Kékfrankos Rosé wine from Bárdos és Fia Pincészet won a gold medal in Italy.
Spar helping Máltai Ambulance with shopping bags for charity. Spar will devote one forint from the price of each plastic shopping bag sold in its stores to helping Máltai Ambulance Service. Spar Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft has been working successfully with Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat for 10 years.
Nestlé planning 5-6 per cent organic growth in spite of price rises for agricultural raw materials. The world market leading food industry group reported revenues of CHF 24,3 billion for the first quarter, 6,4 per cent more than a year earlier. Turnover corrected for changes in the composition of the group increased by 7,4 per cent.
Carrefour buying Atacadao of Brazil. In a transaction of EUR 825 million, Carrefour will buy 34 discount hyper markets of Atacadao, with 241,000 square meters of real estate.
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