Facing the challenge in New York – part 11
From July Roland Oláh, formerly the chef of Café Erté, tries his luck in the USA. He regularly reports to our magazine: ‘So I said no to DB Modern and I stayed at L’escale. My relationship with Francois is very good, but I can feel that he does not approve of the fact that I represent my own ideas in his kitchen and not his. One day a colleague told me that they were looking for a new chef in a French bistro called Martel. Edina, a Hungarian girl I know works in Martel, so I called her and she told me that the boss was a good guy, he is French and his name is Eric. I was going to work one day when Edina called. I was invited to a test cooking in Martel. A few days later I went to Martel where they gave me the menu and told me to prepare three dishes when I had the time. I have to do it really well, so that I can move on and work in a smaller kitchen instead of a factory like DB Modern! What is more, the place is only a 15-minte walk away from our house, so I would save the USD 80 monthly train fare to Greenwich. Finally the big day arrived. I went to Martel and met the chef, Chris. He showed me the kitchen and the base materials. While I prepared the three dishes I got acquainted with the cooks. After the tasting I had a chat with Eric and Marty, the restaurant’s owner. They loved the dishes and asked me how soon I could leave L’esacale. I said two weeks, but I did not accept the first salary they offered; finally we agreed. When I broke the news in L’escale Francois took the whole thing well. He told me that I was really talented and I could return any time if I decided so.’
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