Q-Automotive Ltd. and SZTE are developing a biopolymer-based packaging material that can be composted at home

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 03. 17. 10:03

Q-Automotive Kft. and the University of Szeged (SZTE) are developing a biopolymer-based packaging material that can be composted at home, with the support of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH), the company informed MTI.

Due to the increasing environmental burden, the demand for biodegradable plastics that are compatible with the environment in the long term is increasing. Biodegradable polymers produced from renewable and natural raw materials are becoming increasingly popular among users, they announced.

The main advantage of this polymer group is, on the one hand, the sustainability of the renewable raw material base, and on the other hand, the waste neutrality resulting from their nature.

The goal of the project, with a total budget of HUF 945 million, is to develop the raw material and production technology for biomass-based packaging material that can be composted at home.

This new type of packaging material will be suitable for replacing non-degradable, traditional plastics, contributing to reducing environmental impact.

The project, which will last until the end of 2026, aims to create a production capacity that will enable the production of polymers based on renewable raw materials.

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