SPAR helps the market entry of Hungarian food companies

By: Tisza Andrea Date: 2020. 06. 29. 09:57

The Hungaricool by SPAR product innovation contest started last year and the winning products have been available in 34 INTERSPAR stores and the SPAR online store ( since March 2020.

During the current coronavirus pandemic the retailer’s special programme means great help to Hungarian farmers and processing companies. This programme is implemented in partnership with the Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC), and it seeks to find sustainable and creative new food products.

The Hungaricool by SPAR product innovation competition mobilised almost 300 enterprises and proved that SPAR has great trust in the power and talent of small Hungarian businesses. SPAR backs the winners with attention-raising in-store product displaying and special refrigerators installed in shops. The competition’s official website: (x)