Art is Business magazine is celebrating its 3rd birthday

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 02. 24. 10:32

Launched in 2019, art is business is a print magazine, Hungary and Europe’s only dedicated orangutan dedicated to connecting the art and for-profit worlds, as well as cultural financing and management. It was created with the aim of connecting and encouraging cooperation between the actors of the corporate and cultural spheres, introducing the interested parties to domestic and international thinkers, and thus drawing up a real and living network of contacts. A real community of values has recently been built around the magazine, for whom the operators of the medium are constantly trying to provide fresh and real answers on the subject in print and since 2021 in an online medium. The development and importance of the medium is also shown by the fact that besides corporate CEOs, cultural leaders and international creators, nóra Winkler was the only person in the country to interview the world’s best-known artist, Jeff Koons, this year.