Magazine: Trendy or traditional?
Balázs Erdélyi president – Guild of Hungarian Confectioners

Balázs Erdélyi
Guild of Hungarian Confectioners
Right now there is an ideal balance: There are traditional and modern confectioneries all over Hungary, and many confectioneries sell both classic and new wave desserts. No matter which style you represent, the cake or pastry you serve must be of excellent quality. As regards the Cake of Hungary competition, I think it is important that the main ingredients shouldn’t be completely unfamiliar to the taste of Hungarians. At the same time the winner should be something innovative. I am happy that Norbert Tóth’s creation meets both of these criteria.
My experience is that the right balance in a confectionery’s product selection is if two thirds of desserts are traditional and one third are modern. Of course it also depends on where the given confectionery is located.
Norbert Tóth owner –Tóth Confectionery

Norbert Tóth
Tóth cukrászda
Each confectionery that is open to new things should decide themselves, based on their own and on guest needs, to what extent they wish to correspond to new trends and traditions. Since we are Hungarians, we must preserve our traditions – classic desserts should dominate in the product selection.
My creation for the Cake of Hungary contest intended to reflect the cakes of the old days, while ingredient-wise I wanted to be ‘trendy’. As far as I can see some kind of development started in the last 10 years, thanks to the guild’s work. My conclusion is that traditional desserts must be prepared, but confectioners must remain open and work hard for the success of the trade in general, too.
József Auguszt co-owner – Auguszt Confectionery

József Auguszt
Auguszt cukrászda
My view is that the most important task is to preserve the traditions. Not because I am conservative, but because classic, sophisticated flavours and technologies mustn’t be forgotten. It is needless to say that guests also have to be offered new desserts, because they want those too.
In our confectionery 60-70 percent of the products are traditional. It is difficult to point at a dessert and say: ‘This is a typical Hungarian flavour.’ The Cake of Hungary is a good initiative, but unfortunately there are confectioneries that prepare the winner cake in poor quality after the competition.
Gábor Mészáros owner – Mészáros Confectionery

Gábor Mészáros
Mészáros Confectionery
Guests like traditional desserts prepared from the best ingredients, made with a twist, using modern technology. We must monitor the changing needs of consumers and adapt to them! Plus if we don’t start to make efforts to bring the young generation to confectioneries – consumers who are still in their 20s – one day our shops will be empty. My view is that they can be won with the help of new cakes and pastries. However, in the process of innovating we must integrate the Hungarian characteristics and values into to the new desserts.
The first step is never easy when coming out with new products – we are afraid that we might lose customers; but we mustn’t forget that we can also get new guests! I think it is our obligation to offer something new to our customers from time to time.
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