Péter Geszti: ‘We always think about tomorrow only and never the day after that’

By: Gyarmati Orsolya Date: 2021. 09. 13. 19:00

He loves creating creative content, but leaves the business side to someone else. Music is the most important for him, because this is where he can find a special moment or feeling – Péter Geszti was Szilvia Krizsó’s guest in the latest episode of the Future Talks podcast.

Advertising expert, lyricist, composer, singer and producer, Mr Geszti approaches work like a 5th-grader who just wants to have a good time. When it comes to advertising, ha values those adverts which have a truth element. He feels that the older a person is, the sooner they notice the truth. In the podcast Péter Geszti also talks about the digital feudalism we live in and why Hungarian society smells like a locker room.

You can listen to and watch the full conversation at the following platforms by clicking on the links:









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Every Monday at 17.00 there is a new episode of Trade magazin’s business podcast, Future Talks with Szilvia Krizsó.


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