Franchise news
European concept
Belfrit is expanding rapidly in Hungary. The Belgian fast food chain opened its 16th unit in the Budaörs Auchan at the end of September. Belfrit’s main profile is different types of potato made from fresh base material, freshly fried finger food-type dishes and salads.
Fleeing forward?
At the first weekend of October, Starbucks offered free cups of its new instant coffee to customers to compare it with the classic version. Surprising, since instant coffee could be very tasty as well, but Starbucks built its image on high quality. The company’s food selection is also improving with cakes baked in-store, protein breakfasts and other delicacies.
Transitional retreat
Perhaps the lack of a sandwich culture in Hungary, perhaps supposed high prices resulted in Subway closing five units in Hungary. Sales revenue also fell, at the beginning of the year by 8 percent. Subway expects a 5 percent expansion for the next 12 months, trying to focus more on promotions. It costs EUR 80,000-120,000 to open a Subway unit in Hungary.
…once upon a time
An American artist made a map, the parts of which where McDonald’s restaurants are situated are of lighter colour. Glad Valley, Dakota is the most Mc-free state in the USA, the closest McDonald’s is 230 km away.