Wave of dismissal at the workplaces

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 07. 13. 11:18
More than a hundred thousand people have already lost their jobs in Hungary in the crisis caused by the coronavirus – and who knows where the end is.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, a total of 116,000 people in Hungary officially lost their jobs in March and April, according to recent statistics of the Xntral Statistical Office (KSH). With this, the unemployment rate rose above 6 percent from the 3.5 percent before the crisis level. The indicator was last so high laszt time in early 2016. However, the situation could be even worse after some analysts believe that by the first quarter of 2021, the unemployment rate could rise to 7 percent. This would mean that the number of unemployed in Hungary would increase by 170,000 in one year. (penzcentrum.hu)