A chapter from the marketing coursebook

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2024. 05. 28. 11:30

Recently the use of local ingredients has been one of the most important trends in the restaurant world.

30 producers could present their products

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5

Even more so because the concepts of local produce and small-scale producers are increasingly associated with quality. However, the restaurants that use them don’t actually have enough small-scale producers to work with. The VakVarjú chain has tackled the problem brilliantly: They have announced a tender for Hungarian producers who can supply ingredients and products, called VarjúGazda’s Food Pantry Programme. There were over 110 applications and after a selection process more than 30 of these had the opportunity to present their products to the owners and chefs of VakVarjú at a tasting event. //

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