NZ: Lemons limited to one per person amid supply crisis

By: Gyarmati Orsolya Date: 2022. 01. 14. 08:30

Supermarkets across New Zealand are facing lemon shortages with the citrus fruit not being in season locally, and the pandemic is still causing delays in imports.

Countdown has put a stop on online purchases of lemons, and New World Victoria Park had no lemons when the Herald visited.

Although limited numbers of imported lemons are available at central city Countdown supermarkets, a staffer told the New Zealand Herald they are snapped up as soon as they are put on the shelves.

At some New World stores, shoppers are being limited to one lemon each at the cost of between NZ$6 (US$4.12) and NZ$10 (US$6.87) per kg.

Fresh Fruit Portal

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