Energetic cereals
There are two big categories on the cereal market: cereal flakes and bars, and mueslis and muesli bars. The two groups have slightly different target groups and consumption motivations. Andrásné Gyöngyi Györkös, head of sales at Naponta Kft. (the manufacturer and distributor of Cerbona products) reckons that muesli and muesli bar are a stable category with a high prestige. When it comes to buying cereal flakes, consumers increasingly appreciate breakfast solutions that are easy to prepare and energise both adults and children. Cereal flakes are still primarily the breakfast of children, no wonder that cocoa-flavoured products sell best in the category.
Kreszcencia Papp, junior import manager of Del Pierre CE Kft. shared with us other characteristics of this category: buying in promotion dominates in sales and large-size private label products have started to conquer the market. In the least 12 months the company has been focusing on children’s products by introducing the Bona Vita brand. Their 375g packaging size gives the best price/value ratio and their products are rich in vitamins and minerals. This year they also launch the one-portion Bona Vita products for office workers and those on the go. Cerbona product sales were not affected by the economic recession. In the last 20 years new products have been added regularly to the product range, but Naponta Kft. also tries to preserve well-working and popular flavours and combinations. This year they appear with two new products in shops: dark chocolate-raspberry muesli bar and dark chocolate muesli. Kellogg’s is one of the premium cereal flakes on the market and Rita Takács from Maresi Foodbroker Kft., the brand’s distributor, told our magazine that sales grew moderately in 2011. Chocolate is the most popular Kellogg’s flavour but plain corn flakes sell well too, which product has also been available in 500g family version in the last two years. Fruzsina Kozák, product manager with Dr. Oetker Magyarország Élelmiszer Kft. spoke to us about the muesli segment and we got to know that fruit and chocolate are still the favourite flavours, but the popularity of the plain and kernel versions keep growing. Sales of Dr. Oetker Vitalis muesli have increased considerably last year, with Chocolate being the most popular flavour. Walnut-Almond offers a low, 4.8g sugar content and Fruit has a high, 40-percent fruit content and no added sugar. Asix Distribution Kft. distributes Corny muesli bar and Balázs Cúl, the company’s managing director informed us that their latest product range is Corny Nuts. It consists of super-premium products, which are half the size of Corny BIG muesli bars but they cost the same. These bars contain 50 percent peanut/almond, they are made from real chocolate and have no artificial colourings and preservatives. Their plan is to launch one or two new products in the next 3-4 years.
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