EFSA: 5 tips to raise environmentally conscious and nature-loving adults

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 09. 18. 11:05

If environmental protection is also important to you, you surely know how many dangers our living world and the plants living in it face on a daily basis. If you want to protect their health, it is essential that you properly inform yourself about the topic of plant health, but you can only achieve lasting change if you make the acquired knowledge available to your children and the young people living in your environment. Only through mutual understanding and conscientious care can we ensure that the precious gift of nature remains intact for future generations. The #PlantHealth4Life campaign, which is an initiative launched by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Commission and their partners in the member states of the European Union, including Hungary, also helps in this.

Plants play a key role in our lives in many areas, as they contribute to cleaner air and better water quality, we can thank them for healthy and nutritious food, and they also play an important role in maintaining our mental health. That is why their protection is essential. Even as an individual, you can contribute to preventing the spread of dangerous diseases and pests in our country. However, this requires a thorough examination of the topic of plant health, since the basic criterion for the long-term safety of plants is continuous and extensive care, an important part of which is the education of the youth. By passing on the acquired knowledge to his children, he enables a conscious generation of adults to follow, who from the very beginning have the interests of nature and the plants living in it in mind.