Edeka the local supermarket hero of Germany
Independent stores are the lifeblood of the merchant cooperative and German market leader Edeka. Edeka differentiates itself from discount competitors through local sourcing and fresh products. Store designs are tailored to each individual location and increase local anchoring.
German grocery market leader Edeka wins through local anchoring. Of the approximately 6,700 Edeka supermarkets and E-Center stores under the Edeka banner, nearly 5,800 are managed by independent retailers. On the façade of these stores, the Edeka logo is supplemented by the family name of the individual retailer. In total, Edeka is a cooperative organization run by 3,400 independent entrepreneurial families.
In 2023, Edeka’s independent merchant stores achieved a net turnover of 39.3 billion euros, a plus of 7.7%, while food inflation (CPI) for the calendar year came to plus 6.0%. This means that an average-sized Edeka store of 900 square meters generated around 6.8 million euros in net sales per year.
Edeka carries around 20,000 to 30,000 items in its standard range, 25% of which are private labels. The largest private label is the price-entry range under the label “gut & günstig” (good and affordable) with 2,700 SKUs, followed by Edeka’s mid-tier, quality private label of the same name with 2,500 SKUs. The retailer also aims for leadership in the organic segment, and the Edeka BIO range has already grown to a total of 1,000 SKUs. Starting in 2022, larger Edeka stores have implemented the Naturkind shop-in-shop format, which combines between 2,000 and 4,000 branded products that meet the standards of major organic farming associations such as Demeter, Bioland or Naturland. There are currently nearly 100 such stores. Vegan products are also a customer magnet, with more than 1,500 SKUs in the range.
The heart of the store is the superbly designed service counters for meat, charcuterie, cheese, fish and delicatessen. The butchery is run by master butchers. Among the seven regional cooperative entities in Germany, the Edeka Southwest region is the largest meat producer among all German retailers. The meat plants of Edeka Südwest Fleisch generated a turnover of around 1 billion euros in 2023.
Compared to other retailers, Edeka is characterized by its large assortment of regionally sourced products. Under the shelf label “from within a maximum radius of 30 km”, each store highlights the products of local and regional producers whose farms and production facilities are located in the vicinity of the store. Up to 80 of these local producers deliver into one Edeka stores over the year.

In front of the cash line Edeka stores operate a separate bakery that focuses on pastry items and specialty bread.

The first department on the customer journey is the fruit and vegetable section featuring many regional items.

A local producer, whose farm is located 15 km away from the store, displays potatoes in dedicated branded fittings. This specific store is located in the biggest potato-producing region in Germany, Lower Saxony.

In summer it is local farmers that deliver seasonal berries. Farms located closer than 30 km from a respective Edeka stores are highlighted with the special supplier label ‘regional – within 30 km’.

The in-store bake-off bakery offers mainly small single items like bread rolls and sweet and savory snacks to differentiate from the entrance bakery.

Edeka stores feature a shop-in-shop concept for organic items. Well-known organic suppliers such as Bio-Zentrale or Alnatura have their own sections here.

In this store the beverage section is included in the market. Due to historic building restrictions for sales areas above 800 sqm and the German-specific reusable deposit system for beverages, many Edeka merchants still today operate a separate beverage market door-to-door to their grocery store.

Each Edeka merchant independently decides on their respective store design, often emphasizing local anchoring. This store is placed in the vicinity of automobile manufacturer Volkswagen’s largest factory in Europe. Wall decorations include VW car silhouettes, chainwheels and roller chains.

These design elements continue throughout the whole store.

In each product category Edeka offers its price-entry private label ‘gut & günstig’ that price-matches Lidl and Aldi as well as the ‘Herzstücke’ Edeka quality label.

Also brand items listed in the standard assortment of discount competitors are matched on price and marked with red ‘discountbillig’ (discount-cheap) price tags.

To differentiate from Lidl and Aldi, who are continuously increasing their organic ranges, Edeka has certified part of its own ‘Edeka Bio’ organic private label under the ‘Bioland’ seal that sets significantly higher quality standards than the EU equivalent.

To emphasize local anchoring, in the center of the store Edeka displays an Edeka-branded Volkswagen truck used already 50 years ago by this merchant.

The famous VW curry ketchup used in the factory canteen beeline 25 km from the store is sold only at supermarkets in the catchment area of the VW plant.

The accompanying curry sausage is available in the chilled section and carries an original spare part number also visible in the Volkswagen car dealer system.

The store’s customer magnet are the serviced counters featuring highest quality fresh produce, here the meat section run by a master butcher.

The alcohol section is located in the middle of the store and features many regional German wines as well as special section for Whisky and sparkling wine.

The factory of the world-famous herbal liquor Jägermeister is located close by, so that the respective assortment qualifies as ‘regional’ and is labeled as such.

Another centerpiece of the store is the health and beauty department. With dm drogerie and Rossmann drugstores strong category competitors in the German market, Edeka has taken special care to create an inviting atmosphere for this section.
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