So far, the Nébih has issued a report on fipronil-free production in case of 15 egg companies

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2017. 09. 15. 11:40

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has begun issuing test reports for egg market companies who have stated that they do not use fipronil based insecticides or ingredients containing fipronil. The Office has so far issued a report for 15 egg-based companies, the Poultry Product Council (BTT) told MTI on Friday.

The BTT emphasized in the communication that the businesses initiated official investigations to justify their statement.

It has been reported that Nébih tested 25 sites of 15 companies saying that there are no residues in the egg products. These are the Aranykorona Zrt., the Benkő Kft., the Biotojás Kft., the Családi Tojástermelő Kft Ltd., the Familliatrió Kft., the Gyermelyi Tojás Kft., Dr. Mátyás Kalhammer, private entrepreneur, the sample plant of the Kaposvár University, the Kereki Tojás Kft., the Lászlóék 2002 Bt., the Major Kft., the Mizsetáp Kft., Németh Zoltán private entrepreneur, the Ortoko Bt. and the Szerencsi Mezőgazdasági Zrt.. The companies mentioned above are covering almost 50 percent of the Hungarian egg production. (MTI)

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