We can expect a steep price increase for oranges and orange juice

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 09. 25. 11:22

A drastic increase in the price of oranges and orange juice should be expected, as severe hurricanes and diseases have damaged plantations in the world’s two largest orange producers, the United States and Brazil.

This problem also causes disruptions in global supply chains, resulting in increased prices. According to Dezső Mészáros, the managing director of Sió-Eckes Kft., the orange harvest has not been this low for half a century, and it may cause problems in the orange sector in the long term, according to a recent article by Pénzcentrum.

Prices are already high and further increases are expected, which will also affect the price of fruit juices and fruit drinks. In addition, the demand for other fruits may also increase, which may cause a shortage of raw materials and an increase in prices in these areas as well.

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