Awards for domestic flavours
Award wining products can be sold for more money and awards offer advantages in marketing as well. Enterprises operating food production facilities in Hungary may apply for the right to use the Excellent Hungarian Food trademark for their products made in Hungary. This trademark can act as a ticket to success for products manufactured by even less efficiently operating enterprises. Applications can be submitted anytime. Products must be compliant with the criteria defined in connection with the trademark and the regulations of the Hungarian Food Register. The Agricultural Marketing Centre provides support for the promotion of products using the trademark. For example, a meeting was held by AMC in October, where marketing professionals involved in the distribution of products using the trademark discussed current issues with representatives of retailers and competent authorities. The Hungarian Product Grand Prix has been certifying outstanding quality and reliability for eleven years. This project launched by Industorg Bt., TÜV-SÜD Kermi Kft., the Consumer protection Authority, MEHIB Zrt., EXIMBANK Zrt., TERC Kft. and ITD Hungary enhances competitiveness and has become the issuer of one of the recognised European trademarks. 437 products have received various forms of recognition in the past ten years, including 142 awarded the Excellent Hungarian Food title. 50 percent of applications are submitted by SME-s. No fee is payable for use of the trademark in the first year. According to Ferenc Dékány director, eight products of Csaba Hús Zrt have been awarded the HPGP title so far. The HPGP logo appears on the labels of the products, so that consumers know these are subject to strictly monitored standards. Soós Tésztaipari Kft has also been awarded the HPGP title for its Soós Premio pastas. As Péter Gnám sales director tells us, the title has not boosted sales in itself but can justify a higher price, owing to higher quality. Univer has entered the HPGP competition for the third time this year, after winning a HPGP award with Univer Piros Arany, Erős Pista, and Édes Anna in 2006. As Károly Molitórisz CEO explained, their baby foods and salads have also been awarded the HPGP title. “Valdor won the title with its fresh chicken fillet in protective gas packaging in 2008, though it has not had a noticeable effect on sales yet – says Mrs. Tóth, Mária Kecskés, sales and marketing director.
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