She blossomed in silence
A few months ago, a young female cook caught the press’ attention, Zsuzsa Sára who works at Arany Kaviár in Budapest. She won a TV contest ahead of 17 male cooks and spent a week in Dieter Müller’s restaurant that holds 3 Michelin stars. She is really modest despite being a “media star” and is perfectly satisfied working under the wings of Szása (Sándor Nyíri) and she does not plan to leave. Zsuzsa feels that most of her ideas come from Szása’s inspiration. Her bosses tell us that Zsuzsa is a precise, creative and brave person. Dieter Müller said he would like to work with her because things are well-organised around her in every moment. – What I learned in Lerbach Castle I cannot use directly, but I am sure that knowledge will materialise in everyday work, especially when creating the new menu – says Zsuzsa Sára.