Market News

EU's foreign trade surplus increased in December

The European Union’s (EU28) foreign trade surplus increased in December 2013, compared to November 2013. In December, the foreign trade surplus was 8.2 billion euros, while in November it was...

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Have you ever seen a koala having a cold? Eucalyptus for colds!

Winter or spring? We are in the middle of the coldest season but the thermometer, somehow does not justify this. Despite the treacherous weather, by this time of the year...

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Thousands of counterfeit branded goods were seized in Shanghai

Thousands of counterfeit clothes, mobile phones and electronic devices were collected in by the quality inspectors during the weekend in Shanghai. According to the communication of the local industrial and...

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KSH: inflation slowed further in January

The consumer price level in January 2014 was on the level of the previous year’s, while compared to December 2013, consumer prices rose by an average of 0.3 percent –...

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The ministry modified the cash-regulation again

The supports for the cash registers are also valid, when the operator of the cash machine mistook the start-up and did not give the proper code to the merchants that...

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Horse Meat Scandal: Brussels proposes new DNA tests

According to the communication of the European Commission, the European Commission advises to carry out new random DNA tests, due to last year’s horse meat scandal. The Committee’s initiative is...

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Mountain Village Council of the Tokaji Wine Region: the decision of the European Court of Justice can mislead consumers

The result of the European Court of Justice’s decision can mislead the consumers. The European Court of Justice has rejected the appeal in the case of the Hungarian “Tokaj” brand...

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Magazine: Visible and invisible games – Business Days 2013 (Part 2)

On the second day of the conference the morning was dedicated to agriculture. GoodMills president-CEO Zoltán Poór was the moderator of the section, who in his introduction summarised the changes...

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FruitVeB: Hungarian exports may expand furter to Germany

The expansion of Hungarian fruit and vegetable exports are expected to continue further to Germany – Mártonffy Béla, president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI,...

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Agricultural producer prices decreased further

The producer price of agricultural products was 13.2 percent lower in December 2013, than in December 2012. The producer price of plant products – including cereals (a 29 percent decline)...

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The European Court of Justice rejected the Hungarian appeal in the 'Tokaj' brand name case

The European Court of Justice rejected the Hungarian appeal in the 'Tokaj' brand name case on Thursday, stating that, the Slovak “Vinohradnícka oblast 'Tokaj” names cannot be challenged in the...

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We can bet on horse races in tobacco shops as well

In general, coffee bars and pubs like the horse racing terminals, but from the weekend the customers of CBA can also bet on horse races, because the chain’s Corso Gourmet...

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VM: The anti-GMO policy is strengthening in the Central and Eastern European region

The anti-GMO policy of the Central and Eastern European region is growing stronger, mainly due to the Hungarian government’s lobbying and decisive actions – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM),...

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The mild winter is still not a problem in the orchards

The fruit trees are in a calm state, and the mild winter still not caused problems in the orchards – Mártonffy Béla, president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional...

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Countryside Quality trade mark to be released in Veszprém County

The Veszprém County Organization of the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics and the Éltető Balaton-felvidékért Egyesület signed a cooperativion agreement in order to work out and introduce a Countryside Quality...

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How clean is your iPad? It's dirtier than your toilet, probably!

We use them every day while eating lunch or a snack, but new Which? research has revealed tablets, smartphones and keyboards may have more bacteria lurking on them than an...

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The sales volume of Valentine's Day candies is rivaling with the sales of the Easter period

According to the datas of the GfK Hungária Household Panel, the Valentine's Day brings about 4 percent of the annual sales volume for the candy manufacturers. This proportion is similar...

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KSH: The number of cattle increased further

The increase in the numbers of cattle continued further in the second half of last year, so their number has exceeded the datas of ten years ago . The number...

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The yields should be processed locally at the Eger wine region

The Ministry of Rural Development supports the Eger wine region, to be a closed wine region in order to improve the quality of wines and the rank of the wine...

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The NAV takes Valentine's Day controls

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) will carry out Valentine's Day checks at traders and service providers in Budapest and in Pest county, – the authority told MTI on...

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The European Commission has no right to withdraw the proposal for authorization of genetically modified maize

According to the legal interpretation of the European Commission, they do not have the right to withdraw the authorization of the Pioneer 1507 genetically modified (GMO) maize. After the voting,...

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Chain of stores have joined to the environmental campaign

Well-known chain stores have also joined to the British campaign, which was launched by an environmentally conscious non-profit organization, to keep old clothes out of landfill The Love Your Clothes...

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Health kick 'reverses cell aging'

Going on a health kick reverses ageing at the cellular level, researchers say. The University of California team says it has found the first evidence a strict regime of exercise,...

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Healthy lifestyle is linked to the perspective of a long life

About four-fifths of the more than 54,000 living Chinese centenarians are women, and a 127-year-old woman from northwest China is the oldest of them all, according to figures released on...

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Magazin: Vitamins and dietary supplements: 9-percent growth in value sales

Vitamin and dietary supplement retail sales exceeded HUF 27 billion in the first eight months of 2013. Value sales improved by 9 percent from the base period of twelve months...

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Nielsen: four out of ten people pay with credit cards

In everyday spendings, four out of ten Hungarians prefer credit cards. The majority – 57 percent would like to use cash. In essence, Hungarians are focusing on these two payment...

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Agriculture is considered to be a good debtor

The last major agricultural bankruptcy procceding was belonged to the Bábolna-based IKR Zrt. It was carrioed out at the end of November 2013. The company itself requested the initiation of...

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SME investment mood stopped again

The investment mood of the domestic SME dropped again. At the moment 58 percebnt of the CEOs are planning some improvements. This seems to break the steadily increasing investment activity....

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Hungarian exports to China may increase further

The Chinese-Hungarian Joint Economic Committee held a meeting on Tuesday in Beijing. The committee’s Hungarian co-chairman Szijjártó Péter said that after last year's 10 percent growth Hungarian exports to China...

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The Czech Deputy Prime Minister rejected the criticism of the Polish food producers

Andrej Babis Czech Deputy Prime Minister called the criticism of the Polish food producers pointless. The Polish food producers said that the owner of Agrofert holding and the Minister of...

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