Market News

Credit card payment can also clear the economy

With the support of card acceptance, the trade could be whitened even more securely, than with the introduction of the online cash registers. To do so, the State would have...

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Fish production in Hungary may increase two to three percent this year

Fish production in Hungary may increase two to three percent this year, which was 23,000 tonnes last year – Lévai Ferenc, president and CEO of the Aranyponty Zrt. (Golden Carp...

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The European Parliament voted to ban non-native, aggressive species

The European Parliament voted the proposal on Wednesday that aims to ban and reduce non native animal and plant species in the European Union. It is is estimated that these...

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VM: 144 million HUF support for the promoters of the Hungarian national values

A total of 113 promoters won 144 million HUF on the tender, that aims to collect, research, promote, preserve and maintain the Hungarian national values and Hungaricums – the Rural...

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45 thousand packs of smuggled cigarettes were seized in Beregsurány

The finance officers seized thirty-six million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes in Beregsurány, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – the Press Secretary of the Northern Plains Regional Directorate of the National Tax and Customs...

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Well-known faces in the new campaign of UNICEF

The talented team of Café Next has won the trust of the representatives of the Hungarian Committee of UNICEF with their colorful personalities and fresh, imaginative concept as well as...

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Kőröstej concludes deals at the Hungarian-Arab Business Forum

At the end of March dairy group Kőröstej negotiated with the representatives of many countries at the Hungarian-Arab forum. They signed deals for selling 12,000 tons of cheese in the...

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Easter: the Hungarian families are looking for the guaranteed quality of the well-known brands from sweets

Four out of ten Hungarian families buy chocolates and candies during the Easter festive period. According to the datas of GfK’s Household Panel, the customer base of the seasonal goodies...

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Tobacconists can bring one billion HUF in revenue

Tobacconists can bring one billion HUF annual revenue to NDN Zrt., if the operators, who recently obtained a concession will start to operate. Most of the new tobacco shops will...

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The European Parliament would indicate the place of origin on every products

Instead of the current voluntary practice, the place of origin should be compulsorily indicated on each product – the European Parliament included in its draft legislation. According to the proposed...

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Hungary is in the middle field in whiskey consumption

In India a close to one and a half billion liters of whiskey was consumed in 2012, which is more than threefold of the U.S. consumption. Hungary is in the...

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More and more customers are looking for better quality products during Easter

The turnover of hams, sweets and eggs increase the most in the Easter period, however, it is a change that every year, more and more customers are looking for better...

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A decrease on the Hungarian beer market

Last year, the Hungarian beer market fell by 4.45 percent, compared to the previous year, on the basis of the amount of beer sold by the four largest manufacturing companies...

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Cash registers: the NAV has initiated targeted controls

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) specifically controls the ordering, installing and normal operation of the online cash registers – the tax authority told MTI on Tuesday. There are...

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You can buy a children's room from 50 thousand HUF on the net

The Jófogá investigated the question of how much a complete children's room costs on the net. It turned out that you do not need to spend high sums when the...

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We can harvest sour cherries and cherries record early this year

There was no example for decades that flower shedding occurs at almost all domestic fruit varieties before Easter. This year, however, due to the extremely mild winter weather the trees...

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Three hundred million HUF worth cigarettes were seized in Nyíregyháza

The police found more than 350 million HUF worth cigarettes without tax stamps in a warehouse in Nyíregyháza – the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County police spokeswoman told MTI on Tuesday. Fedor Rita,...

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More than 500 pigs had to be slaughtered because of the swine-plague threat

Within two weeks, more than 500 pigs had to be killed immediately, because of the risk of African swine fever (ASF), as the number of illegal consignments of live pigs...

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The duty-free export of Ukrainian grain cause disturbances for the Hungarian producers

“After the February drop in grain prices a rise characterizes the grain market is currently. However the duty-free export of Ukrainian grain cause disturbances for the Hungarian producers in May...

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Eggs are cheaper, compared to the previous years

Eggs are cheaper for the Easter holiday season this year, compared to the previous years. The price of an egg is an average of 28 to 35 HUF depending on...

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Agricultural producer prices fell by nearly 11 percent in February

The agricultural producer prices fell by 10.9 percent in February 2014, compared to the same period of the last year. The price of vegetable products decreased by 17.0 percent, while...

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ÁNTSZ: more healthy foods in kindergarten canteens

Three-quarters of the institutions have expanded the menu with healthy food products in recent years. More vegetables, fruits and fish, but still less than required milk and whole grain bakery...

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Hungarian workers do not held a lunch break but they drink a lot of coffee

Almost half of Hungarian workers did not take lunch break and only 15 percent eat five times a day. 73 percent of the workers are having coffee on a regular...

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The tax expert said that pálinka cannot be brewed with tax exemption in compliance with EU law

Vámosi-Nagy Szabolcs, the tax consultant of the EY global consultancy do not see a solution taking the tax rules into account, when one can make pálinka with tax exemption in...

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Quality Hungarian Pork trademark introduced

The Ministry for Rural Development and the Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organisation and Marketing Board (VHT) introduced the Quality Hungarian Pork (KMS) trademark and quality assurance system. VHT president Antal...

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Magazine: The new pig strategy seems to work

The implementation of the new pig strategy, approved last summer, has already started. Government promise is that HUF 1.6 billion is earmarked for the programme this year. Goals include increasing...

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We trust in domestic food products

According to a representative survey carried out in January, 86 percent of Hungarians are confident in domestic food products – the Greenpeace announced on Thursday. On the basis of the...

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0.1 percent inflation in March, food prices fell

Consumer prices in March were 0.1 percent higher than a year earlier. Compared to February, consumer prices rose by an average of 0.2 percent – the Central Statistics Office (KSH)...

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Solid optimism characterizes the domestic companies

In the first quarter of the year, the forward-looking expectations of the SMEs for the next one year have barely changed. The K&H SME confidence index is currently on minus...

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