Market News

Playing in focus

In the ballroom of the Carlton Ritz Hotel in Berlin more than 400 participants were listening to the latest issues and the hottest topics in loyalty marketing in 6 languages....

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Store lighting trends: shopping experience in a cost-efficient fashion

Multinational retail chains have realised the significant role of lighting a long time ago – this is well indicated by the fact that until recently hypermarkets were built without windows,...

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Skin care in the summer months – protection and moisturising

Summer skin care is very important to women as this is the period when clothes cover the least of their skin. The cosmetics industry keeps conducting laboratory research to create...

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Two-digit growth in the office supplies market

Experts estimate the Hungarian office supplies market to be worth HUF 100-120 billion a year. At the end of 2012 Office Depot was sold to Central Fund. Managing director István...

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Tablet owners are in a better position

Thanks to the mandatory installing of online cash registers in retail units there is no shop in Hungary without internet connection. Consequently, virtual solutions are more and more widespread, for...

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The increase in purchasing power extends sales

Analysts say that the increase in purchasing clearly affects the retail trade, and the low inflation and the whitening of the market also have a specific role in the growth...

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NAV: more than 109 thousand online cash registers were installed

More than 109 thousand online cash registers were installed until 3 June 3 – the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) told MTI on Wednesday. The NAV emphasized that the...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 6.6 percent

The volume of retail sales increased by 6.6 percent in April after the 8.5 percent of March, compared to the same period last year, according to the calendar adjusted datas...

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A joint initiative would terminate the mandatory marking on some foods

A Dutch – Swedish joint initiative would terminate the mandatory marking of the durability of different types of food products. The two state argue that this would significantly reduce food...

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Record wheat harvest is expected this year may

Apart from the mild winter, this year may be favorable for the arable farmers. After the nightmare of 2012 the professionals indicate good results for wheat. The big question, however,...

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The EU’s economy grew in the first quarter, the Hungarian growth is at the forefront

On a quarterly basis the European Union’s GDP increased by 0.3 percent, on an annual basis the increase was 1.4 percent in the first quarter of 2014 – the EU's...

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We can get cheap good quality strawberry

Cheap and good quality strawberry is invading the markets of Budapest. You can buy strawberries for even 380 HUF per kg, while thae average price at most places is between...

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Nébih withdraw canned herrings from circulation

The distribution of four kinds of canned herrings were banned by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), due to their high benzene content (PAH). According to the Wednesday statement...

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Two-digit sales growth

There has been significant growth in grill sausage sales: value sales grew 14 percent and volume sales increased by 18 percent between March 2013 and February 2014. Annual market value...

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NAK and the IPOSZ sign strategic agreement

NAK and the Hungarian Association of Craftsmen’s Corporations (IPOSZ) signed a strategic agreement on improving the situation of individual, family and micro-enterprises. The two organisations will do their best to...

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Advertising Tax: the professional associations are protesting

The affected professional associations unanimously reject the submitted draft of the advertising tax. The fourteen signatories of the communication including the Hungarian Advertising Association, the National Association of Local Radios,...

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We must reach the the Hungarian agriculture’s 1990 level of production

In the new government cycle, the Ministry of Agriculture has classified among the main tasks to reach the the Hungarian agriculture’s 1990 level of production. Fazekas Sándor Minister for Rural...

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A strong medium autumn wheat crop is expected

A strong medium autumn wheat harvest is expected in Hungary. The prices are not expected to increase – Győrffy Balázs, president of the National Agricultural Chamber told on Tuesday in...

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National Company Database: 98 percent of the Hungarian firms are micro enterprises

The sales revenues of 98 percent of the Hungarian companies is less than 2 million euros per year. According to the EU definition it is the small business limit, so...

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hirty thousand bottles of Brunello di Montalcino was forged in Italy

It is not sure that there is quality Italian red wine in the bottles – turned out from a consumer protection action of which thirty thousand bottles of counterfeit wine...

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The second flowering of the frozen yogurt

The frozen yogurt or also known as yogurt ice cream has become a real success story over the past three decades. The frozen yogurts, unlike to the traditional ice creams...

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The Romanian retail increased by more than 7 percent in the first four months

The Romanian retail sales increased by more than 7 percent in the first four months this year – the Romanian National Institute of Statistics announced on Tuesday. According to the...

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China, the land of opportunities

Hungarian companies are more and more interested in doing business in China. This is well indicated by the fact that more than 120 Hungarian businesspersons travelled to Beijing early this...

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Production price drop

In March 2014 domestic industrial production prices dropped by 0.6 percent on average from the level of the previous month. Domestic industrial sales prices reduced 0.6 percent. In the processing...

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NGM: there will not be a final deadline fo the installation of cash registers

The Ministry of National Economy told that they do not plan to set a final deadline fo the installation of cash registers . So traders can play up to...

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“Eat Cheese” – Movement for the development of the domestic cheese culture

The World Milk Day took place for the 39th time, this year in Kaposvár. The festival was rich in professional programs and in the professional performances as well. Each year,...

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The Raben Group appeared on the Baltic logistics market 10 years ago

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia joined to the Eeoropean Union in May 2004. At the same time, the Raben Group began its activities in the region. There are currently three Raben...

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Every day has to be a children’s a day!

This year, the children will receive the greatest gift in the Bethesda Hospital: a large-scale social cooperation was launched for the implementation of a Mother’s Home beside the National Children's...

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GKI: Temporary improvement

GKI Economic Research Co. predicts that in 2014 economic growth will be significantly higher and inflation lower than previously anticipated owing to extensive government involvement. More...

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Better mood, changing retail

Ever since the beginning of the economic recession consumer sentiment improved in Europe for the first time: in 8 out of 12 countries people are more optimistic than last year...

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