Market News

The Carpathian Basin becomes a unified agricultural area

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) amended its statutes to make it possible for farmers’ organisations beyond Hungary’s borders to participate in the chamber’s work. NAK president Balázs Győrffy told...

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KSH: an increase in pig and cattle population

In the first half of the year, the pig population increased by 82 thousand, while the cattle population increased by 5 thousand – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) reported on...

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The FruitVeB and the wholesale market in Milan are planning a co-operation

A cooperation can take place between the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization (FruitVeB) and between the Wholesale Market in MIlan – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture informed MTI on...

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GKI: There is a growth potential in personal loans

Even under more stringent state regulations, there is a growth potential on the personal loans market – the analysis of GKI Economic Research Co. states. The analysis was presented on...

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The gastro tourist park in Békéscsaba is ready

The CsabaPark gastro tourist park is completed. The local government implemented the facility that aims to preserve the traditions of the Csabai Sausage from 1.35 billion HUF and with EU...

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Significant mildew infection in the Szekszárd wine region

The powdery mildew infection has appeared at almost all plantations in Szekszárd wine region, where the vineyards should calulate withsignificant yield losses and increasing crop protection costs. Heimann Zoltán, chairman...

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No more intermediaries

So far the Hungarian government has approved 8 operative programmes for the use of European Union funding in the 2014-2020 period. The government plans to start publishing calls for tenders...

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Nielsen: the retail sales of food products has increased

During the last six months the purchasing mood of the Hungarian consumers has increased further. The food retail sales in terms of both value and volume increased by 5 percent...

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Almost 140 thousand online cash registers are operating

According to the informations of NAV those who were obliged to the transition installed 139,466 online cash registers. The majority of them used state support. The tax authority also said...

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EU import levy on maize, rye and sorghum

The European Union puts 5.32 euros per tonne, approximately 1,645 HUF import levy on maize, rye and sorghum – the European Commission announced on Wednesday. The European Commission justified the...

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The German competition authority strikes back

The German Federal Competition Authority imposed a fine of 338 million euros on 21 meat processing companies and their leaders, due to cartelling – MTI wrote. The fine affects the...

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Gophers stormed the melon fields

The harvest of the early ripening melon has started in the Jászság. The rain was good for the harvest, but the gophers caused enormous havoc. The reported that the...

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The “blood drink” is the new craze of the Chinese youth

The Chinese Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) has warned Chinese citizens that certain “Vampire Blood” drinks are potentially dangerous, poorly labelled, and should be immediately pulled from shop shelves. It...

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NAK is lobbying for lower egg VAT

NAK vice president Miklós Zsolt Kis stated at EUWEP’s (the representative body in the European Union for egg packers, traders and processors) annual conference in Győr that each member state...

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The Hungarians are ready to drive a longer time to shopping

40 percent of the Hungarian customers are ready to drive 15 minutes, 25 percent of them are ready to drive more than half an hour in order to reach a...

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The GfK expects slow European retail sales growth

Europe's economy in 2013 was characterized by slowing trends – the latest study of GfK Geomarketing states. On the basis of the research carried out in 28 countries of the...

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Not worth it, yet we pay with cash

The number of contactless credit cards has crossed one million pieces last year. Two out of three still feel, that they should pay with cash. According to the NRC Market...

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NAV: North Hungarian action to check the cash registers

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) focuses on the control of cash registers in the coming weeks in Northern Hungary – the North Hungarian Regional Tax Directorate of NAV...

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Only half the amount apricot has grown this year at the plantation of the Danubia-Frucht

Compared with last year, only half the amount apricot yield has grown at the Danubia-Frucht Cooperative, which is Tolna county's largest apricot plantation – the chairman of the Danubia-Frucht told...

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The pharmacies lost the fifty thousand HUF support

The pharmacies spent approximately one billion HUF on the installation of the online cash registers. This is about one percent of the total annual price margin – Világgazdaság wrote. Many...

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The world's oldest edible ham is more than a century old

The world's oldest edible ham “celebrated” its 112th anniversary at the end of the week. The culinary “miracle” that is guarded in Isle Of Wight County Museum inSmithfield, Virginia was...

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Worth paying more for it

In Q1 2014 Nielsen asked consumers in 60 countries: ‘For which product category would you pay more than the average because it is worth more?’ From the 33 categories the...

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Magazine: Vajda Paper’s capacity expansion

On 11 June Vajda Paper Kft. inaugurated two high-capacity production lines. The development – which cost HUF 1.8 billon – increases the company’s production capacity by 10 percent to more...

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KSH: producer prices decreased by 9.2 percent in May

Agricultural producer prices fell by 9.2 percent in May, compared to the same period of the previous year. The price of vegetable products decreased by 14.8 percent, the price of...

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The emerging markets and the crafted beers improve the beer market

The growth in developed countries became increasingly challenging for the beer manufacturers in recent years; the largest companies have turned to emerging markets – wrote. Following the consolidation wave...

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The Eximbank is setting up a rural network

The Eximbank is setting up a rural representation network. The Eximbank supports the Hungarian exporters. Its first rural office opens in Győr in the summer – the Parliamentary Minister of...

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The NAK and the MDOSZ both support the voluntary commitments of the food industry

The dietetics of MDOSZ and the National Association of Agricultural Economics will give professional support to ÉFOSZ’s call to promote healthy nutrition. The framework and the website of the initiative...

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Ministry of Agriculture: fish destruction declines at the Lake Balaton

The mass destruction of fish in the Lake Balaton can be traced back to complex causes and its rate declines steadily. The pathogens detected in the fish are not dangerous...

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Illegal tobacco factory was found in Nyírbogdány

Illegal tobacco factory was uncovered by the National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) in Nyírbogdány, where a man in addition enriched the goods with oak leaves that is a significant...

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This year may bring record wheat harvest

Syngenta hosted its traditional plant health solutions show in Dalmand and Hajdúböszörmény with more than 1,000 farmer participants, this time focusing on corn, spiciferous plants, sunflower and rapeseed. Managing director...

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