Market News

FruitVeB the Hungarian operators must also comply with the Russian embargo

The FuitVeB Vegetable and Fruit Interprofessional Organisation warns that the Hungarian branch operators must also comply with the Russian embargo on Polish fruit and vegetables, otherwise they risk that the...

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The OKSZ supports the new deadline and considers it feasible

The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) supports the new deadline for the online cash register replacement and considers the deadline feasible. The Ministry of National Economy (NGM), after the Thursday meeting...

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KSH: import increasing more rapidly the exports for the third month

The value of Hungarian exports calculated in euros grew by 2.3 percent in May, while imports increased with 3.7 percent, compared to the same month of the last year. The...

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Food consumption reduced in the Czech Republic last year

On an annual level food consumption in the Czech Republic declined by 1.6 percent last year – turns out from the report on the state of agriculture last year in...

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South China police found several tons of melamine-contaminated candies

Chinese police have seized almost 20 tonnes of candies tainted with melamine, state media said on Thursday, an industrial chemical at the centre of a scandal in 2008 in which...

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Quality Hungarian Pork (KMS) Trademark: the absolute best in quality assurance

Last year the Ministry for Rural Development announced the introduction of the Quality Hungarian Pork (KMS) Trademark. The trademark and the quality assurance system behind it were developed and are...

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FruitVeB: it is vital that the Russian market to remain open

The president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI on Thursday that it is vital to the Hungarian fruit and vegetables that the Russian market to...

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The Hungarian commercial property investment market is changing

The signs of recovery have occurred on the investment market in Hungary over the past 12 months, but now we can not only talk about the available options, but we...

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GOSZ: the wheat harvest will be completed in time

The harvest of the autumn wheat will be completed in time for the beginning of August – the President of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told on Thursday...

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Closer to the customer: IBM research about the shared future of supply chain, management and technology

The companies are aware of the importance of new technologies, but most of them do not even make full use of the possibilities. The best companies use collaboration tools, and...

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More than 100 tons of wheat may be collected

On the basis of the existing datas, more wheat was collected, than in 2013 in the scope of the Bread of the Hungarians Programme – deputy mayor of Pécs said...

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Magazine: Strengthening trade relations with Kazakhstan

On 3 June Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency (HITA) president János Berényi and the high level representatives of Hungarian firms met the Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov and government members...

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Better consumer confidence index, but…

The consumer confidence index improved by 4 points to 48 points in Q1 2014, mainly because the number of those grew who think positively about their personal finances in the...

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La cucaracha – Absurd of the day

La Cucaracha in Perth makes a play on the slang term in the US for food trucks, Roach Coach, but the freshness on offer proves otherwise. Each taco starts out...

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Students will receive more than 45 million fruits in the School Fruit Scheme

The School Fruit Schemecontinues in t 2014/15 school year. In the scope of the school year, more than 45 million doses of fruits of domestic producers will be distributed to...

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The finance guards have not found “black” wine shipment yet

The finance guards have not found irregularly transported and stored grape wine during their action. The finance guards are controlling container shipments in the scope of a large scale nationwide...

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A bakery was aught again, due to the online cash registers

The inspectors of the National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) held traffic counting controls at a foreign-owned bakery and checked the number and value of sales from the morning to...

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Law to be made on truffles

The Ministry of Agriculture will present a legislative proposal on truffle at the forthcoming legislative session – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture announced. Papp Béla, with his record-sized (1280 grams)...

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FM: ministerial commissioner was appointed to develop fish farming

The Minister of Agriculture appointed Fazekas Szabolcs as the Ministerial Commissioner for Fishery Development – the ministry told MTI on Wednesday. According to the communication the main tasks of the...

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What you need to know about the mysterious milk box

Many times we come across mysterious sounding terms in connection with the boxed milk such as UHT, aseptic or ultra high temperature treated milk, but the accuracy of their reports...

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A Hungarian – Bosnian agricultural agreement was signed

The Hungarian-Bosnian agricultural meetings have ended with the signing an Agreement on Agriculture between the two countries. The convention was signed by Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture and Boris Tucic,...

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U.S. consumers are becoming more optimistic

In July, consumer optimism continued to increase in the United States. The Conference Board's consumer confidence index rose to 90.9 points compared to the expected 85.5 points – wrote....

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The world's largest ketchup bottle for sale

Owner Larry Eckert is selling the 65-year-old, 170-foot (52-metre)-tall landmark and adjacent warehouse but despite its name, the 380,000-litre tower has never held ketchup. Photo: For fans of the...

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The Hungarian animal husbandry may receive almost 1 thousand billion HUF

In the next six years, the Hungarian government will spend 450 billion HUF on animal breeding from domestic sources. The government spends 450 billion HUF on animal breeding in six...

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2022: three-color vision of the world of work

The “The Future of Work” study of the PwC is examining the jobs and HR challenges of the future. The research adumbrates three business approaches as three different worlds on...

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The bread of the Hungarians: 54 tonnes of wheat has been gathered over the weekend

In a single weekend, fifty-four tons of wheat was gathered. It is half of the total volume of last year’s volume. Saturday forty one tons of grain arrived to Kenderes...

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The first Hungarian trading house in Africa has been opened

The first Hungarian trading house in Africa opened on Monday afternoon in Accra, the capital of Ghana. With this step, the number of Hungarian trading houses of the Magyar Nemzeti...

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International Apiary Meeting and Honey Fair this weekend in Jászberény

The International Apiary Meeting and Honey Fair will be held on the first Saturday in August in Jászberény. This is the largest event of honey producers, apiary device manufacturers and...

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The weakest wheat crop of the recent decades was harvested in Békés county

The harvest is completed in Békés county. The farmers harvested the weakest wheat crop of the past decades. The 3.8 tons per hectare yields of the autumn wheat is lower...

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62,000 liters of milk was seized by the officials

It was time to ordain a ministerial examination in case of the ultra-pasteurized (UHT) milks. The participants of the sectors asks the government for a long time to contribute effectively...

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