Market News

Sopron makes Hungary’s first new wine

Wine Marketing Workshop Non-profit Kft. announced that the season’s first wine was made in the Sopron wine region. Taschner Winery’s Irsai Olivér was authorised first by the National Food Chain...

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Magazine: Ice Cream Night

Two ambitious confectioners, Balázs Ipacs and Péter Róth already came up with the idea of ‘The day of artisan ice cream in Hungary’. Their new project, Ice Cream Night is...

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The FM has supported the Mangalitsa breeders with several hundred million forints

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) supported the Mangalitsa breeders with several hundred million HUF until 2014, from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development funds, and provided some 130 million...

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Last year horticulture gave 15.8 percent of teh agricultural output

The horticultural sector gave 15.8 percent of the Hungarian agricultural output last year, while within plant production it gave 26.9 percent. Feldman Zsolt Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry...

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A record corn crop is expected in Tolna county

The highest average of the last six years, 8-9 tons per hectares corn crop is expected in Tolna county, but the harvest is behind schedule due to significant rainfall in...

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The economic sentiment of the EU and the euro zone improved

Economic sentiment improved in October in the EU28 and the euro zone as well – according to the Thursday statement of the European Commission (EC) . The economic sentiment indicator...

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The recently formed Hungarian Cash Registers Association proposing tenable deadlines

According to the Hungarian Cash Registers Association, the online cash register system creates equality between the companies, because it eliminates the competitive advantage of businesses who avoided to return tax....

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AMC starts in Hungary on 5 November with exclusive series premieres

The AMC TV channel debuts in Hungary on 5 November. One of the most popular and most awarded television brand is entering the European market the same day. The AMC...

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Fungal infection-resistant wheat and corn varieties are bred in Szeged

The experts of the Gabonakutató Nonprofit Kft. are working on the breeding of Fungal infection-resistant maize and wheat varieties in Szeged in a cooperation with a number of research institutes...

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More pigs

According to the latest data, the negative trend of former years turned around and in the last 12 months Hungary’s pig stock increased by 200,000 to 3.1 million. There are...

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Iran starts exporting egg to Russia

The latest report of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) reveals that in part due to the mutual trade embargo between the European Union and Russia, Iran has started exporting...

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KSH: August retail sales rose by 2.5 percent

In August, the volume of retail sales by 2.5 percent pace in compared with a year earlier, according to teh calendary adjusted datas, while the unadjusted index indicates an increase...

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The Hungarian consumer confidence index remained stable in the third quarter

In Hungary, the Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index reached the record level in the latest period. It is standing on 56 points in the third quarter, as well as during the...

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NÉBIH: report on the last months

Zsigó Róbert Minsiterof State responsible for food chain surveillance spoke at a press conference about the result of the food chain-sector control carried out by the National Food Chain Safety...

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Bluetongue virus at thirteen farms in Csongrád County

The signs of the bluetongue virus was detected in case of thirty-six animals at thirteen farms in Csongrád County. In the case of the killed or forced to be slaughtered...

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Healthy produce from small gardens to the table

Microbiological solutions specialist Hungary Kft., the Agricultural and Rural Youth Association (AGRYA) and their partners launched their City Gardeners training programme on 4 September. The programme has been created...

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Low maize prices

2012 was a black year in the life of maize producers. As it is known because of the spring and summer drought, the lowest crop was harvested in Hungary since...

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The GKI-Erste economic activity index was again on top in October

In October, the seasonally adjusted value of the GKI-Erste economic activity index nearly reached its one and a half decades peak reached in April. According to the survey of the...

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Tobacco companies are good debtors

The average value of the recovery cases is lower-than-average in case of the tobacco industry operators. It is about 250-300 thousand HUF. Typically, 20 percent of the debts will be...

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Cable Communications Association: the modified Internet tax cannot be accepted as well

The Hungarian Cable Communications Association (MKSZ) does not comply with the introduction of the Internet tax in any form, they also reject the amended draft, and calls the government to...

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The Hungarian farmers are forming an alliance

The domestic producers have agreed on a cooperationfor the further development of the community agriculture, in order to improve education, fundraising, lobbying, to exchange experiences and to assist young and...

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A new generation of Hungarian farmers

There were more than 200 participants at the Young Agricultural Experts Club meetings organised by Syngenta in Balatonszárszó, Kecskemét and Hajdúszoboszló. Farmers between the ages of 20 and 40 were...

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Tobacco already being purchased in Nyíregyháza

Universal Leaf Tobacco Magyarország Zrt. (ULT) plans to purchase 6,000 tons of Virginia and 3,000 tons of Burley tobacco. ULT employs 27 people permanently and recruits 150 workers for this...

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The OKSZ calls for the withdrawal of tax proposals affecting the food market

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) calls for the withdrawal of next year’s tax proposals on taxation change, because the proposed charged fees on the commercial operators may exceed 20 billion...

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It is good to eat good, it is good to do good!

The third Eat for Each Other Fundraising action of the Hungarian Food Bank Association is approaching towards its end: at the national level more than 80 locations and events have...

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The cocoa compounds can prevent from mental decline in old age

A diet rich in cocoa could help stave off dementia-like memory loss in the elderly, new research suggests. Scientists found that cocoa bean flavanols, which are naturally created dietary compounds...

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Campaign to support the purchase of domestic food in the Czech Republic

A campaign was launched in the Czech Republic on Monday to promote the purchase of the Czech food products. The campaign lasts until January 4. It primarily consist of awarded...

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No more unidentified import wine

A decree is being prepared for the identification of imported wines. In the future the period for putting imported bulk wine into circulation will be 90 days instead of the...

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Hungarian sugar campaign commences

Magyar Cukor (MC) Zrt.’s Kaposvár factory – Hungary’s only sugar processing facility – started the 121st campaign on time. This year contracts have been signed with farmers for 10,830 hectares...

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Magazine: Discounters’ share from wiener sales is growing

László Benedek, sales and marketing director of Kaiser Food Kft. told the following in connection with the high season – the week before New Year’s Eve – in the wiener...

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