Market News

The average yield of potatoes is 25 percent higher than in 2022

The sunflower harvest was almost completely completed by November, 99.9 percent of the sown area was harvested, and 2 million tons of sunflowers were harvested from a total of 676.1...

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This causes the biggest headache for Hungarian SMEs wishing to enter the export market

In regional terms, domestic small and medium-sized enterprises perform on average on export markets, but overall, only slightly more than 5 percent of them still sell their products or services...

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Szeged researchers were the first to characterize the phosphate transport protein of green algae

The staff of the Szeged Biological Research Center belonging to the Hungarian Research Network were the first to characterize a phosphate transport protein found in green algae, the result may...

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The campaign to encourage the consumption of pork has been launched

This year, for the eleventh time, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the Association of Hungarian Butchers launched their campaign to encourage the consumption of...

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Teljesen vegánná válik a tejtermékeket gyártó holland Boermarke

A hollandiai székhelyű Boermarke tejipari és növényi alapú vállalat bejelentette, hogy teljesen vegánná kíván válni. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában olvasható. A vállalat tejipari tevékenységét a helyi társvállalat...

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Müller sells DTC business Milk & More to UK group Freshways

The dairy group made the decision to sell following a strategic review. Müller is set to sell its UK milk delivery business Milk & More to local dairy group Freshways...

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High-quality Hungarian fish can be on the Christmas table this year as well

 As in previous years, Hungarian fish producers are preparing for the Christmas season with high-quality Hungarian fish. The star of the festive offer this year will be the carp, which is...

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Aldi Suisse Plans Nationwide Fast-Charging Network

Aldi Suisse has partnered with Gofast to install fast-charging stations for electric cars at around 150 of the 240 Aldi outlets across Switzerland, starting in the summer of 2024. Initially,...

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The producer price of young bulls and slaughter heifers increased

According to data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), US beef production decreased by 5 percent and veal production decreased by 11 percent in January-October 2023 compared to...

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Minden várakozást felülmúlt idén az Anuga

A világ első számú élelmiszer- és italszakmai vására, az Anuga idén október 7. és 11. között adott találkozót az iparág vezető szereplőinek. A 200 országból érkező mintegy 140 000 látogatóval...

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A new law can help domestic companies operate more sustainably

The government has submitted to the Parliament a proposal to amend the law encouraging sustainable corporate operations, EY points out. The affected domestic companies must also clarify their operations from...

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Professional recognition for COOP employees

This year too, prestigious professional awards were presented on November 7 on the occasion of the European Trade Day, in the framework of which the outstanding work of six employees...

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Gazsi Zoltán: „A vezetés a közösség szervezéséről szól”

Folytatódik a Trade magazin Business Podcastja Abban rejlik a vezetés művészete, hogy tudsz-e nagyon eltérően gondolkodó embereket és karaktereket egyben tartani – állítja Gazsi Zoltán, az Eisberg Hungary Kft. ügyvezető...

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Croatian farmers demonstrate for the sixth day due to government measures aimed at curbing the swine fever epidemic

In Croatia, farmers are protesting for the sixth day due to government measures aimed at curbing the swine fever epidemic, Croatian public television reported on Monday. Nearly seven hundred pig...

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Új raktárt épít a Billa Bulgáriában

Mintegy 25,5 millió euróból épít új raktárépületet a Billa Bulgária Stara Zagora közelében. Az 55 hektáros telken elhelyezkedő, 16 500 négyzetméteres raktárterületű depó a Billa Bulgária középső és déli régiókban...

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István Nagy: the basis of successful agricultural production is quality seed

Without seeds, there is no food production, the domestic seed sector is a sector of national strategic importance, stressed István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, at the 30-year anniversary event of...

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Software companies must indicate their intention to join the eGN

Nébih informs those farmers who want to keep the electronic management diary with market software that they should be informed about whether the application they are looking for can connect...

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Companies have become more considerate when it comes to employing IT professionals

The IT industry has taken a huge leap in recent years, and IT professionals are still in high demand, especially in artificial intelligence, software design and development, and cyber security....

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The innovation activity of Hungarian companies has moved from its lowest point

In the unfavorable economic situation, the innovation activity of Hungarian companies stagnates at an unchanged low level, according to the second half-year survey of K&H’s innovation index. The company managers...

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Nestlé Launches First Product With HMOs In China

Nestlé has announced the launch of a ‘growing-up milk’ solution containing HMOs (Human Milk Oligosaccharides) for early life nutrition, in mainland China. The product, which has been launched under the...

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The decree on the hygiene conditions for small-scale, local and marginal food production and sale has been published

The purpose of the new law, which entered into force on November 23, 2023, is to apply the flexibility provisions provided by the European Union package of hygiene regulations regarding...

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Walmart is widening the gap with Amazon in grocery e-commerce

The retailer’s share of the online grocery market will expand to nearly 27% by the end of 2024, while Amazon’s slice of the business will slip to 18.5%, according to...

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Jumbo Lowers Prices Of Own-Brand Meat Substitutes

Dutch retailer Jumbo has lowered the prices of own-label meat substitutes to ensure that costs align with comparable meat variants. Jumbo believes the move will help shoppers while selecting plant-based...

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In November, the GKI economic index rose slightly

In November, consumers are somewhat more pessimistic and the business world somewhat more optimistic about the near future than they were in October, according to the results of a survey...

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Fewer pigs and cattle went to slaughterhouses

Domestic slaughterhouses slaughtered more than 376,000 tons of poultry, nearly 307,000 tons of pork, and 34,000 tons of cattle in the first three quarters of 2023 (carved weight, slaughtered for...

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Fish producers: the supply of fish will be plentiful at Christmas

The Christmas fish supply will be plentiful. The rainy weather favored the fish farmers, so they achieved better results this year than last year – the president of the Hungarian...

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Florin: a key player in Hungarian households

The story of Florin began in 1957, when 12 “brave men” founded the Szeged Soap Making Chemical and Small Industries Cooperative in Szeged. This article is available for reading in...

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Explosive candy and golden dumplings are also available, but jelly candy is still the most popular

Szaloncukor is a traditionally popular product of the Advent season. According to the map of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK), each household buys 1 kilo of brown sugar...

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Students from Budapest and Gyula won the national Knowledge Test of Hungarian Dietitians

Nearly 400 teams from the country’s 150 elementary schools took part in the Knowledge Test of the National Association of Hungarian Dietitians, where sixth- and seventh-grade students gave an account...

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The sale of szaloncukor, which is made in more and more different flavors, is increasing every year

The turnover of szaloncukor, one of the most popular seasonal products of the Christmas period, is increasing every year, and although it is available in more and more different flavors,...

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