Market News

P&G: behavioral science and product innovation

The world's leading manufacturer of detergents uses analysis in connection with psychological and cognitive behavioral science in innovative product development. The detergent business segment of P&G, which is the manufacturer...

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The GVH considers the protection of vulnerable consumers as a priority

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) considers the protection of vulnerable consumers as a priority for many years. These vulnerable consumers can be more easily influenced by advertisements and offers, due...

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Silky smooth skin with the power of nature

The Veet – the specialist of silky smooth skin – introduces a brand new product line this year invoking the power of nature. The Veet Natural Inspirations™ family is nearly...

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The local government of Pécs is preparing the construction of a new market hall

The local government of Pécs announces a plan application for the building of a new market hall – the General Assembly decided on Thursday. The new market hall is planned...

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NAV: unknown origin food was found near Hegyeshalom

The staff of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) found unknown origin food near Hegyeshalom. Kovács Mária, press officer of the West Transdanubian Regional Tax Directorate-General of NAV told...

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Regio Játék’s revenues increased by nearly 40 percent

The Net revenue of the Regio Játékkereskedelmi Kft. toy store chain was nearly 7 billion HUF last year, which is a 40 percent growth – the company told MTI. The...

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Personalised offers which annoy no one

In the age of Big Data personalised offers are very important in marketing. At the same time these can violate privacy rights and annoy people in general. A new tool...

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KSH: retail sales rose by 6.4 percent in February

The increase in retail sales was slightly better than expected. Compared to the previous year, retail sales rose by 6.4 percent in February – according to the Central Statistical Office...

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The government will continuously monitor the effects of the VAT reduction on pork

According to the government spokesman, the effects of the VAT reduction on pork will be continuously monitored. The datas will shop that similar steps may be introduced in other sectors....

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Tobacco Dealers: smoked-glass is high risk in the tobacco shops

The Hungarian Tobacco Retailers Association says that the use of the tinted glass windows should be reconsidered in tobacco shops, because the inflexible rule has extremely high security risks –...

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The School Milk Regulation has been published

In addition to milk, the children will be given yogurt, kefir and cheese, under the kindergarten and school milk program – the Minister of Agriculture Ministerial decree was published on...

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The European Commission approved the use of new GMOs

The European Commission approved the food and feed industrial use of ten new genetically modified organism (GMO) plant on Friday. In addition, the Board also extended the authorization of seven...

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Unmarked potatoes were seized with ekáer

Eighty tons of unmarked potatoes were seized in Újfehértó, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, after checking the data of the electronic road freight system. The staff of the National Tax and Customs Administration...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index stagnant for four months

The GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects moved upwards slightly in April, reaching its level of January. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI with the support...

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The Poultry Product Council asks for same judgment as the pig sector in taxation

The Poultry Product Council (BBT) asks for same judgment as the pig sector in taxation. According to the Poultry Product Council there is no technical reason that while the Value...

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Several million inspections are performed for secure food supply every year

Only the comprehensive and proactive monitoring of the entire food chain can guarantee the sales of safe food products, therefore millions of tests are carried out in laboratories across the...

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The sugar manufactory in Kaposvár spent one hundreds million HUF on development

The Kaposvár-based 1. Magyar Cukor Manufaktúra (MCM) Kft. (1st first Hungarian Sugar Manufactory (MCM) Ltd.) built new powdered sugar plant and a solar panel system. The facilities were handed over...

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Hungarikum, of which we can not drink enough

The soda water is a real Hungarikum, and it bears the “guaranteed traditional and special food product” trademark for 10 years. Its consumption decreased for a couple of decades, but...

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The users of dubious origin seed may suffer a huge loss

Only the exclusively produced, controlled seed with certification guarantees the seed varietal purity and utility value. The seed counterfeiting cause significant damages to farmers. The counterfeit seed is usually cheaper...

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The diet is more important than exercises

According to researchers,diet is more important than exercise for people who want to lose weight. The study revealed that it was time to bust the myth of physical inactivity and...

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Analysts: encouraging earnings growth

According to analysts interwieved by MTI, the growth in earnings is encouraging. The Savings Bank expects a 4 percent, while the K&H expects a 3.5 percent growth in real wages...

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The Food Avalanche gave “nets instead of fish” to fifty-three settlements

Spring works started in fifty-three settlements on a total of 110 hectares of land in the Food Avalanche program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association and Syngenta. The healthy vegetables...

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The government announced a tender to improve the conditions of children's nutrition

The government announced a tender for the local governments to improve the conditions of children's nutrition in a value of 1 billion HUF. Novák Katalin, Minister of State of the...

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The NAK has amended its charter

The National Agricultural Economics Chamber (NAK) held its national board meeting on 21 April 2015 in Gödöllő. The Chamber had a busy year: last year’s most important result was the...

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Five tonnes of unmarked chicken meat was found in a Polish truck

The finance guards of NAV found five tons of unknown origin chicken meat worth 6 million HUF in a Polish lorry. The goods will be destroyed – the organization's press...

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The Russian agricultural minister was replaced

The Russian market should be supplied with Russian agricultural products more intensely to ease the food market tension and to reduce the prices – Alexander Tkacsov, new Russian Agriculture Minister...

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Hop on hop off service in the vineyard

Ruszinkó Ádám Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) suggested to launch a hop on hop off service in the wine growing regions at a professional...

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Personalised offers which annoy no one

In the age of Big Data personalised offers are very important in marketing. At the same time these can violate privacy rights and annoy people in general. A new tool...

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Drones to be used in retail?

In the March issue of STORES Magazine there was an article on how drones would be used in retail soon. It was Amazon who first considered using them in home...

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Nielsen: the turnover of household chemicals and cosmetics has increased

335 billion HUF worth household chemicals and cosmetics were sold in food retailing between March 2014 and February 2015; 6 percent more than a year earlier. In terms of quantity,...

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