Market News

Japan terminated the ban on Hungarian poultry meat imports

Japan terminated the ban on Hungarian poultry meat imports from 2 June. The measure was introduced because bird flue was detected in Békés county in February. According to the communication...

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Each year, 1.8 million tons of food products are thrown out in Hungary

In Hungary 1.8 million tons of food products are thrown out each year, of which only 2,000 tons are gathered to feed the needy – Cseh Balázs, President of the...

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KSH: the growth in consumption continued in April

In April, the volume of retail sales increased by 4.4 percent according to the raw data and by 5.3 percent on the basis of the calendar effect adjusted data, compared...

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NGM: the growth in retail sales is continuous for 22 months

It is very positive that the growth in retail sales is continuous for 22 months – Lenner Áron Márk, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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Retail sales of the euro zone and the EU increased in April

Euro zone retail sales rose and unemployment fell in April, the European Union's statistics office data showed on Wednesday, adding to signs of economic recovery in the single currency area....

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Twenty cigarettes for five percent more

Due to the EU tobacco directive 20 cigarettes will be in a pack from next May. Therefore, the price of a pack of cigarette will be proportionally higher, because the...

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ÁNTSZ: the WHO and Interpol issued an alert on an illegal wieght loss aid

The World Health Organization (WHO) and Interpol issued an alert on an illegal wieght loss aid. The dangerous substance is called 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP briefly) – the National Public Health and...

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Magazin: The unexamined life is not worth living

Unfortunately the burnout syndrome can hide itself really well. I know an entrepreneur who, after many successful years, managed to survive the recession years starting in 2008 but in the...

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The performance of the livestock sector has increased

Czerván György, Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture spoke about the production capacity expansion of livestock in 2014 at M1 news channel’s agricultural show on Saturday. He told...

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Almost 6 billion HUF EU support to develop domestic logistics

Fifteen companies won almost 6 billion HUF EU support within the Economic Development Operational Programme (GOP) – Rákossy Balázs Minister of State responsible for the use of EU funds told...

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The proportion of smokers decreased in the EU

The proportion of smokers decreased by two percentage points, from 28 to 26 percent, compared to 2012 in the European Union – according to the lastest Eurobarometer survey. According to...

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Asia is the favorite of the international retailers

The Japanese capital is the most attractive for the international companies entering a new market. 63 new brands arrived new last year to Tokyo, followed by Singapore with 58 new...

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Nébih: About half of the nutrients does not meet the standards

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested nutrients during its latest product test session. During the comprehensive test involving 50 products, some problems occured at nearly every second product....

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All the face primers met the requirements at the consumer protection test

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) tested face primers. All of the 19 products met the requirements. The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) announced on Tuesday that on the basis...

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Growth in the beer market

On 1 April the Federation of Hungarian Breweries reported that beer sales expanded by 2 percent last year. Altogether 6.2 million hectolitres of beer were sold by the big four:...

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Magazine: Meeting for the first time

The first impression is very important when meeting someone for the first time: only if both parties are attracted to one another will they be motivated to meet for a...

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Nielsen: Hungarian grocery store turnover increased above the average

The domestic food stores sold 4.9 percent more products in terms of value, while 3.0 percent more in terms of volume, during the first quarter of this year than during...

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The GKI expects a two and a half percent economic growth

According to the forecast of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. economy research company, the Hungarian economy will increase more rapidly even after 2014 than the EU average. The EU average is...

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KSH: the quarterly trade surplus is close to 2.5 billion euros

In this year's first quarter exports were 7.7 percent higher, while imports were 5.7 percent higher than a year before. The quarterly export surplus increased by 531 million euros to...

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Two Rossmanns were re-opened on the first day of summer

On 1 June two Rossmann drugstores were re-opened after renovations in two different parts of the country. The store in Dombóvár and Csorna are waiting for the customers with extra...

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Although it is more expensive, the majority of the small companies say it is worth to advertise on Facebook

Although the number of the free advertising opportunities are decreasing on the Facebook pages, the majority of firms say it is worth to advertise on Facebook – the latest research...

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VAT on food decreased by 9 percent in Romania

The government decree on the extension of the reduced VAT rate entered into force in Romania on Monday. The manufacturer and distributor companies should use a 9 percent VAT rate...

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Charity football tournament to help sick children

Drugstore chain dm organised a charity football tournament for the first time on 14 March. Cewe Hungary, Colgate–Palmolive Hungary, Primőr Cosmetics Kft., Forest Paper, Prestige Products Hungary, Johnson & Johnson,...

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The positive trend in grocery retail continues

Between February 2014 and January 2015 grocery stores’ sales neared HUF 1,480 billion – 5 percent more than in the base period. At the same time volume sales increased by...

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400 billion HUF will be given to the farmers under the unified agricultural subsidies

The Hungarian farmers can be given 400 billion HUF under the unified agricultural subsidies. Application deadline is 9 June. Gyuricza Csaba the president of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency...

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The annual output of the Hangya Cooperative is around 300-350 billion HUF

The annual output of the members of the Hangya Cooperative (Hangya Szövetkezeti Együttműködés) is around 300-350 billion HUF – Patay Vilmos, co-chairman of the cooperation said in Budapest at a...

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Half of the world's population will go online by 2019 Cisco predicts

Cisco’s latest Visual Networking Index (VNI) forecast has claimed that about half of the world’s population (3.9 billion people) will use Internet by 2019. This is despite the number of...

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The Nébih seized hundreds of illegally sold yield enhancing substances

The Nébih seized several hundreds, illegally sold yield enhancing substances, in a value of 61 million HUF during last week's actions. the NÉBIH told MTI on Friday . The inspectors...

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Plant production in space may start

The German BASF chemical company is backing a student-led research project that aims to examine how food crops can be grown on the international space station – the wrote....

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