Market News

Outstanding optimism in SME sector

After the stagnation of the beginning of the year the firms’ confidence in the has improved. The K&H SME confidence index is currently -7 points after the 7-point jump. This...

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The KDNP would tighten the rules on product demonstrations

Companies dealing with product demonstrations and sales have to open customer support service and these companies cannot provide consumer credit – the Christian Democratic People's Party suggests. Rétvári Bence, vice...

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More than a hundred tons melons of unknown origin were seized by the NAV

More than one hundred tons of watermelons were found in a warehouse in Budapest by the inspectors of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) – the tax authorities told...

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One and a half thousand Hungarian innovation projects won EU support

Out of 7391 tenders, 1500 Hungarian tenders won a total of 278 million euros within the European Union's R & D support program that was ended in 2014. During the...

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This year’s new Magnum products were inspired by delicious pastries

Magnum Tiramisu is covered with crispy chocolate and the experience is made complete by the coffee sauce, the soft tiramisu ice cream and the spongecake bits. Magnum Crème Bruˆlée is...

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Innovation ‘showroom’ in Lauterbach

STI Group built an innovative ‘showroom’ in its Lauterbach (Germany) headquarters to present their packaging and display solutions to partners. There are several stages of the exhibition in the showroom....

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Magazine: Consumers don’t agree with closing shops on Sundays

AsiaCenter had a survey conducted with 600 participants at four weekends since shops have to stay closed on Sundays. Bucholcz Consulting implemented the study using the ‘app2date’ system. Director Csaba...

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The Hungarian fish program will reach its final form in two weeks

The Prime Minister's Office intends to hear the opinion of all interested in connection with the Hungarian Fish Operational Programme (MAHOP). The Prime Minister's Office expects to increase the domestic...

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The NAV detected a suspiciously cheap UHT milk distributor

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) detected a suspiciously cheap UHT milk distributor in Budapest. The tax officers detected an almost 55 million HUF net tax difference. According to...

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White wines are becoming more popular

According to the data of the Agricultural Research Institute, the domestic sales volume of the protected geographical indication wines grew by four percent in first five months of 2015, compared...

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Ranch development applications can be submitted again

The program to be launched for the renewal of farm management, value conservation and reduce the disadvantages of farm life. The ranch development program to be relaunched. The electronic application...

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New sales director at Kaiser Food Kft.

17 July 2015 Csaba Vajdahunyadi joins Kaiser Food Kft., who is going to replace László Benedek in the sales director position. Csaba Vajdahunyadi graduated as a building contruction engineer, and...

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Magazine: Impulse buying drives the ice cream market

Good news for ice cream makers and sellers: despite the rainy summer the market expanded once again in 2014. Enikő Grán, trade marketing manager of Unilever Magyarország Kft. told Trade...

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Pig population is on nadir

The domestic pig population is on the level of the 1940s and the post-war times – was said at the event of the K&H and the Agrár Európa Kft. In...

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FAO: the growing income levels in developing countries also affect eating habits

People in developing countries can expect the growth of population, income levels, food consumption as well as the rate of urbanization to increase. All of these factors will have an...

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Careful with import wines because added sugar can be found in them

The domestic wineries withdraw and block their stocks of Italian wines – the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) draws their members attention. The organization was informed recently from Italian...

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Fair egg trade in a Brussels way

The representatives of the European Parliament recently listened to Mark Williams, the Secretary of the European Egg Packer, Distributor and Manufacturing Trade Association (EUWEP). Mark Williams addressed a call to...

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The harvest started well

This year's harvest started well in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, where half of the barley has been harvested, and the average yield right is better than medium – Rácz Imre, president of...

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Magazine: Being different matters in a routine category too

According to Eszter Hegedűs, junior brand manager of SCA Hygiene Products Kft. last year household paper consumption started to move in the direction of products with an added value. For...

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GfK: the price advantage of private label products has decreased

The price advantage of private label products has decreased last year, partly because their price rose in several other product categories – GfK’s commercial brand analysis study reveals. According to...

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Most of the online stores increased their turnover last year

76 percent of the online stores in Hungary increased their turnover in 2014, and only 6 percent of them reported a decrease in turnover – according to the survey of...

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Medián: Hungarians do not like the Sunday store closure

Medián’s latest survey has been published about the Sunday store closure – index wrote. Accordingly, there is a growing camp of opponents, particularly the opinion of the Fidesz supporters changed...

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MNB: the turnover of electronic payment modess increased in the first quarter

According to data of the National Bank of Hungary (Magyar Nemzeti Bank, MNB), the turnover of electronic payment modess increased in the first quarter of 2015.The most striking increase can...

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Inflation in the euro zone declined slightly in June

In June, inflation in the euro zone declined slightly, but remained positive – the EU's statistical office, the Eurostat announced on Tuesday. According to preliminary data, consumer prices in the...

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German retail sales decreased in May

Instead of the expected growth, retail sales in Germany declined in May, compared with a year before – the German federal statistics office the Destatis announced on Tuesday. According to...

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Misinterpreted collection flat rate

According to MAZARS, probably only the modification of the new Civil Code will solve the problem caused by the misinterpretation that affects tens of thousands Hungarian companies, making it obligatory...

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Laurel is expanding its portfolio


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NGM: ekáer has a positive effect on VAT revenues

In the first five months, the Value Added Tax revenues increased by 7 percent, by 84 billion HUF. In addition to the economic growth, the use of online cash registers,...

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The EU eggs are in competitive disadvantage

The egg market of the European Union is in a competitive disadvantage, compare to countries producing eggs with lower levels of food safety and animal welfare standards. Therefore, at the...

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The FM favors the small farms

The strategic cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and the Hungarian Farmers' Societies and Co-operatives (MAGOSZ) enhances the opening towards small farms – Nagy István, the Minister of State...

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