Market News

Pankucsi: Hungary protects the tobacco surtax

Hungary would like to defend the health care contribution on the tobacco industry and the food chain supervision fee, therefore, the European Commission in Brussels will be given this the...

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KSH: the trade balance surplus continued to increase

The euro-denominated value of exports increased by 13.9 percent, while imports exceeded by 9.5 percent in June, compared to a year before. The trade balance surplus amounted to 801 million...

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NFH: three out of the examined dietary supplements did not meet the requirements

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) analyzed about 54 dietary supplements. The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) analyzed the mineral content the vitamins, and “beneficial” bacterias. Three of the tested...

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The series of conferences presenting the potential of the Rural Development Programme will start in Siófok

The first stop of the series of conferences which focuses on the EU tenders, projects, grants and financing options will be held in Siófok on 22 September 2015. The European...

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NAV: The VAT cheaters were unable to scam the ekáer system

The organized criminal group was unable to scam the electronic road freight traffic control system (ekáer) system. The criminals imported a variety of foods to Hungary without the payment of...

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Jam factory in Környe

Környe will be the home of a new jam factory, where only flavouring- and preservative-free jam will be produced. A 300m² plant and a 500m² cold storage facility will be...

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Biomass-processing plant inaugurated in Kaba

At the Kaba premises of Evonik Agroferm Zrt. a new HUF 1.5-billion biomass-processing plant started working. 51.3 percent of the budget was the company’s own financial resources and the rest...

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Magazine: Competitiveness for dinner

At end of May Trade magazine and Chain Bridge Club organised their traditional Business Dinner. The topic was competitiveness and the guests were Ferenc Dávid, general secretary of the National...

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Are made-up sales days in the off-season the new craze?

Amazon appointed 15 July a special sales day and named it Prime Day. The e-commerce company offered special deals and huge bargains on this day, when consumers also had the...

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The online retail market grew by 16 percent in he first half of 2015

According to the third joint Online Retail Index reearch of GKI Digital and Árukereső.hu, the online retail market grew by 16 percent in he first half of 2015. OKI index:...

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Analysts: the increase in investments was a positive surprise

The analysts polled by MTI called the 5.7 percent second quarterly growth in investments as a positive surprise. According to the Central Statistical Office, investments increased by 5.7 percent in...

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This year's wine can be good and expensive

2015 can be an excellent vintage at wine-growing regions where the hail and the vine diseases did not damaged the well-developing grape harvest – the wine growers told. It is...

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Hungary expects half of last year's apple crop, while in Europe the decline will be 5 percent

Although the apple harvest has begun in the orchards and the plants started to processing the concentrates, the domestic apple varieties suitable for winter storing have barely appeared in the...

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London analysts: slower, but “respectable” growth is expected in Central Europe

According to London financial analysts a bit slower but still a robust rate of “decent pace” increase s expected in the economies of Central and Eastern Europe, including Hungary. Morgan...

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FruitVeB: there can be problems with the transportation due to the Austrian road controls

Because of illegal immigration the Austrian police carried out checks near the Hungarian border, so there can be problems with the transportation of Hungarian goods – the president of the...

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The Nébih found food products that were expired seven years ago

The experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found foods that were expired in 2008 at a restaurant near the M1 motorway, during the check sessions held near...

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Jász-Tész builds new cold storage facility

From a HUF 400-million budget fruit and vegetable wholesaler Jász-Tész Kft. is building a new cold storage facility. From this HUF 160 million is non-refundable EU money. The new unit...

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Magazine: Great wines, made in business cooperation

Two important firms in the Hungarian wine market have merged recently: Nyilas Winery (Mátra wine region) and Canter Wine House (Balaton wine region) now work under joint management. Owner Ilona...

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A 30 percent growth is expected in online purchasing this year

Online shopping increases much faster than “anything else” in the sector. Compared to the previous year a roughly 30 percent increase is expected – Glattfelder Béla, Minister of State for...

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MNB: a duality characterized the corporate loans in the second quarter

A duality characterized the corporate lendings in the second quarter, the overall corporate loan portfolio decreased by 3.4 percent, compared to a year before, while the small and medium enterprise...

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TOP 500 regional companies: Hungary is in the forefront in terms of revenue growth

The Central and Eastern European region's Top 500 companies generated a turnover of 572 billion euros in 2014, which exceeds even half of the aggregated 2014 nominal GDP of those...

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KSH: employment continued to increase further

In May and July this year, the number of employees was 4 million 224 thousand, 139 thousand, and 3.4 percent higher than a year before – the Central Statistical Office...

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The children will be given healthier lunches from September

The children will be given healthier and more varied breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack in nurseries, kindergartens, school canteens from September. Novák Katalin Minister of State for Family and Youth...

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Business relations between Hungary and Serbia strengthen further

There was great interest in the Hungary-Serbia business forum that the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) organised on 2 July. The heads of 150 Hungarian SMEs and a 50-member delegation...

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Armageddon put off

Finally Greece didn’t bring Armageddon to the financial markets, at the very last moment an agreement was reached, but let’s admit it wasn’t a big surprise because nobody wanted Europe...

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Magazine: Role expansion

t the moment Tesco is the biggest wine retailer in Hungary. In the last business year we were working with 82 wine suppliers, three quarters of which were Hungarian. From...

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NGM: the Hungarian retail is more than three times higher than the EU average

Retail sales are expanding in Hungary for two years. The increase in June was the fourth fastest in the European Union, and it was more than three times higher than...

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Less tobacco due to the drought

Because of the drought, less tobacco has been grown this year – the President of the Hungarian National Association of Tobacco Growers (MADOSZ) told MTI on Thursday. Bényei Illés, head...

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The V4 agricultural ministers discussed about frauds in the food chain and about the dairy industry

The frauds in the food chain, the dairy industry situation and the main problems of soil management were the central themes of the V4 + 4 agricultural ministerial meeting –...

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