Market News

KSH: producer prices increased by 2.4 percent in May

Agricultural producer prices increased by 2.4 percent in May, compared to the same month of the previous year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Tuesday. The price of...

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GfK: the market share of private label products has increased

Last year, after five years of stagnation, the market share of private label products of the retail chains increased by 1 percentage point to 24 percent on the fast moving...

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The sales of domestic webshops continued to grow, according to a survey

77 percent of the Hungarian web stores increased their sales last year, and only 4 percent reported a decrease in turnover – the latest survey of WebShop Experts revealed. According...

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FruitVeB: this year more watermelon will be harvested than last year

This year 235-240 thousand tons of watermelon is expected to be produced in Hungary, which is 25-30 thousand tons more than last year – the President of the Hungarian Fruit...

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Analysts: export growth may remain

Export growth may remain sustained and record levels of foreign trade surplus is expected this year – analysts told MTI on Friday. According to the first estimate of the Central...

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EU’s common agricultural policy does not favor livestock production

The Union's common agricultural policy does not favor livestock production. This means that these sectors are not eligible for EU funds, therefore the role of national subsidies aree appreciated in...

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Nébih: more than two tonnes of products were destroyed in the wholesale fruit and vegetable market in Budapest

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) carried out an inspection at the wholesale fruit and vegetable market in Budapest. During the action, more than two tons of deteriorated or...

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The law on the increase of the mandatory distribution of Romanian food in the hypermarkets was announced

President Klaus Iohannis signed the law amendment – the Romanian President’s Office announced on Monday. According to the amendment, the retail chains achieving more than 2 million euros in sales...

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Old-new ECR SecGen

BGA established ECR Hungary back in 2000, as a joint supplier-retailer forum dealing with EDI and Logistics. The recent ECR Annual Meeting elected BGA SecGen Zoltan Fekete to become ECR...

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Italian food products in the international market

Coop Italia has created a new company that will try to match Italian food manufacturers with international buyers. Coop Italian Food intends to appear with Italian specialties – all of...

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Renewable energy at Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak plans to gradually rely fully on renewable energy: they intend to reach this goal by 2030 – at the moment 20 percent of the energy they use comes...

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GFK: the properly used trade mark causes sales growth in the FMCG sector

The number of brands awarded in the Product of the Year Competition grew by more than 60 percent. This year the products competed in 23 categories. The range of categories...

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The Hungarian melons are available in several supermarket chains

The Hungarian melons have appeared in the stores of several supermarket chains. Sales grew from other seasonal products as well: from mineral water, soft drinks and ice cream – the...

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European pigs are popular

According to the European Commission, the European Union sold 35 percent more pork (1.3 million tons) in the international markets in 2016 in the first four months, compared to a...

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There is still no inflationary pressure in the economy

There is still no inflationary pressures in the economy, so throughout the year an average of 0.6-0.7 percent price increase can be expected. Analysts told MTI that according to the...

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The British agriculture after the Brexit

Cheap labor may lost, but regulations will be more permissive. For the time being only guessing is taking place about the future of the British farmer after the Brexit. The...

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No more bird flu in Northern Italy

The Ministry of Health in Italy at the end of June withdrew the stict measures in the Emilia Romagna region. The first suspected case was in La Nuova Ferrara at...

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Special vadas sauce for the elderly

Within the framework of the NU-AGE project, which is supported by the European Commission, the specific dietary needs of the elderly population are addressed. MIRELITE MIRSA Zrt. developed its new...

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Neta lobby reloaded

Requesting Neta tax decrease options, BGA recently submitted two amendment proposals to the 2017 tax changes act. Before the final voting, both were rejected therefore a new round of BGA...

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SPAR and P&G campaign for gym refurbishment

This year Procter&Gamble works with SPAR Hungary in a campaign offering the chance to primary and secondary schools to refurbish their gym. Until 20 July shoppers who purchase P&G products...

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Magazine: Growing demand for natural products in the fruit syrup market

According to data from Pölöskei Drink Kft., the fruit syrup category has expanded by 5-7 percent recently and the company’s sales have improved even more than this. Product and strategy...

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Above average grain harvest is expected this year

According to the Minister of Agriculture, this year above than average cereal harvest can be expected in the country. Twenty-five percent of the wheat has been harvested, the average yield...

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Global consumption of fish is over 20 kg per capita per year

Global per capita fish consumption has risen to above 20 kilograms a year for the first time, thanks to stronger aquaculture supply and firm demand, record hauls for some key...

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KSH: export growth accelerated in May

In May, the value of exports in euros increased by 6.3 percent, while the value of imports in euros increased by 2.4 percent, compared to a year before. The export...

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KSH: consumer prices fell 0.2 percent in June

In June, consumer prices were on average 0.2 percent lower than a year before. Compared with May consumer prices rose by an average of 0.2 percent – the Central Statistical...

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FM: simplification in the Common Agricultural Policy is needed

Hungary is interested in the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy’s (CAP) support system and to make it more efficient – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told at a coordination...

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Bisnode the number of new companies increased in the first half of the year

Several years of downward trend has been reversed. Now the number of new businesses grew by 5.9 percent in the first six months in Hungary, compared to the first half...

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Gyermelyi opens new crop growing centre

On 16 June Gyermelyi group opened their new crop growing centre, the result of a HUF 1.6-billion investment. Gyermelyi has to manage production on 8,700 hectares of land. Minister of...

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Brau Beviale 2016: ‘The table is set’

NürnbergMesse has organised a press conference in Vienna to give journalists detailed information on this year’s Brau Beviale trade show, which will be held between 8 and 10 November 2016....

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COOP opts for the Visma Retail system

Based on Szintézis Informatics Zrt.’s recommendation, CO-OP Hungary Zrt. has chosen the Visma Retail POS system. The three parties signed a cooperation agreement on 9 June 2016, on the complete...

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