Market News

The Hungary’s Most Beautiful Kitchen Garden program is five years old

Last year, horticulturists of more than 300 settlements competed in the program – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Thursday at a press...

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The euro area’s Economic Sentiment Indicator is at an almost ten-year peak

In April, the European Commission’s Business Climate Index in the euro area reached a six-year peak, while the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) reached its nearly ten-year peak. In April, the...

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EU environmental policy makers were discussing about plastic waste in Malta

EU environmental ministers discussed the possibilities of fighting against pollution caused by plastic waste. The conference was organized by the EU Presidency in Malta on Wednesday, 26 April in Valletta....

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KSH: Prices up 2.7 percent in March

According to data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in March 2017 consumer prices were 2.7 percent higher on average than a year before. In comparison with March 2016, food...

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The Slovene parliament has voted the law on the rescue of the Mercator supermarket chain

The Slovene parliament approved the draft bill of the government on Tuesday to rescue the Croatian Agrokor subsidiary the Mercator retail chain that has serious financial problems. Legislation called lex...

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Significant increase in the price of vanilla

The vanilla prices rose to a record high after a cyclone caused serious damages in Madagascar, the world’s largest vanilla producer. Expansion can also affect ordinary consumers. The price of...

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Frost damage mainly affected the apple trees in Zala

In Zala County, due to the stormy wind and cold, the frost damages mainly occured at apple plantations. Rape could be damaged as well, but this might be apparent only...

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The government is launching a five billion HUF employment program

The government is launching a five-billion HUF grant program for the employment of disadvantaged groups – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Human Resources announced in Debrecen on...

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Grocery retail hit the brakes

In February 2017 retail volume sales augmented by 1 percent from the base period; adjusted for calendar effects, the sales growth was 1.2 percent. Food and food-type retail sales increased...

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Magazine: When cheese meets the price-sensitive consumer

Because of the Russian embargo that started in August 2014, an oversupply occurred in the Hungarian milk and cheese market in 2015 and 2016. Cheese prices started to decrease at...

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Three times more television ads

In February 2016 and January 2017 shops sold cheese for more than HUF 88 billion. The cheese category is the third biggest from the 90 audited by Nielsen, after processed...

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Nébih: the trappist cheeses met the food safety standards

All trappist cheeses tested by the National Food Chain Management Agency (Nébih) complied with the food safety considerations. Only minor deficiencies found especially nutrition labeling – the agency told MTI...

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Nine logistics organizations have developed a package of proposals to increase the competitiveness of the sector

More than 100 billion HUF surplus revenue can be generated by the measures that nine Hungarian logistics organizations jointly proposed in their sectoral assessment to the government – the Hungarian...

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The VSZT and the GOSZ test autumn wheat and maize in their experiments

The Seed Alliance Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (VSZT) and the National Association of Cereal Producers (GOSZ) are testing autumn wheat and maize in their experiments. The tests aim to...

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HENT: counterfeit products threaten 80 million European jobs

IPR industries continue to be the backbone of the EU economy, as almost half of the total economic power comes from the region, however, due to various types of piracy...

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The US consumer sentiment index declined in April

The consumer sentiment index in the United States declined in April, but at the same time it is near its 16-year peak. The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index®, which had...

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KSH: Retail sales increased by 0.8 percent

The volume of retail sales increased by 0.8 percent in February according to the raw data, compared to the same period of last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Analysts say that the halt in retail sales is only transient

The slowdown in retail trade in February could be temporary, according to macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI. Ürmössy Gergely, senior macroeconomic analyst at Erste Bank said that the slowdown in...

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The MOSZ would strengthen the position of farmers

Deterrent penalties should be imposed on the purchasers, who do not pay to the producers by deadline – described the analysis of the National Federation of Agricultural Producers (MOSZ)....

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The market for durable consumer goods continues to grow in Hungary this year

Last year, the sales of durable consumer goods increased by 6.8 percent – the latest analysis of the market leader credit insurer reveals. According to the analysts of Atradius, the...

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Conscious consumer behavior has intensified

The conscious consumer behavior has intensified. Everyone wants to know more about the food they buy – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said in Gödöllő at the Conference on Environmental...

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GKI: business optimism is reflected in the business cycle index

In April, GKI’s business cycle index did not change, which continues to reflect strong business optimism, with significant deterioration in consumer expectations – the GKI Economic Research Co., told MTI....

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FM: Genetic conservation strategy is before administrative conciliation

Soon, the administrative reconciliation of the gene retention concept strategy begins. The draft aims to protect the indigenous plant and animal species of the Carpathian Basin, Fazekas Sándor, Minister of...

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Google extends its digital workshop program to the Hungarian SME sector

Google extends its digital workshop program to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hungary. This year, the company wants to reach at least 15,000 SMEs in order to contribute...

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New annual brewery record in the Czech Republic

A record amount of 20.5 million hectoliters of beer was brewed last year by Czech brewers – the representatives of the “Czech breweries told at a press conference in Prague...

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The sales of traditional computers grew in Central and Eastern Europe

In the first quarter, the sales of traditional PCs grew in the Central and Eastern European region – the International Data Corporation (IDC) market research firm reveals. According to a...

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Italiagro recruits farmers for buffalo breeding

Mezőtúr company Italiagro Kft. is recruiting farmers for buffalo breeding, in order to get milk for mozzarella production. Italiagro’s consultant Zoltán Takács told that in the soon-to-be-launched Young Farmer Grant...

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MAHAL expects the increase of fish consumption from the VAT cuts

According to the Hungarian Fisheries and Aquaculture Association (MAHAL), the planned reduction in the VAT on fish meat could reduce fish prices by 15 percent, stimulate consumption and encourage all...

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If the acacia blossom freezes, little honey is expected

If, as the result of the extreme weather of recent days, the acacia blossom, which is the main source of nectar in Hungarian beekeeping, freezes a bad honey production is...

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NGM: every element of the ekáer will be modernized by the end of the year

By the end of the year, all elements of electronic road traffic control system (ekáer) will be electronically earmarked as planned – Molnár Tamás, Deputy Minister of State of the...

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