Market News

Successful quarter for Pepsi

In the 3rd quarter of 2017 sales by PepsiCo jumped 1.7 percent. From the Western markets sales only dropped in the USA, but even this decline wasn’t the result of...

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Milestone in the life of the Russian bear

Russia’s biggest retail chain X5 opened their 11,000th shop. The new 1,400m² supermarket is located in Moscow and sells 10,000 different products. In the 2nd quarter of 2017 X5’s sales...

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SPAR’s 21 million euro investment in Austria

SPAR Austria is building a new hypermarket in the shopping centre of Steyr. The EUR 21-million project will be completed by the end of 2018. 200 people will work in the...

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Profi continues to conquer Romania

Romanian retailer Profi will open 8 new stores in the country – in different retail channels. Two large stores will be built in Bucharest, while in other cities 100-230m² stores...

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Danone invests in a start-up

Frozen organic baby food manufacturer Yooji is now enjoying the financial support of Danone. The company’s artisan products are available in 600 shops. Yooji will remain independent: Danone feels it...

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From large to small in Poland

Polish wholesale chain Eurocash took over 188 Mila stores, for which they paid EUR 82 million. The move forms part of the wholesaler’s strategy to establish a supermarket chain that...

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Tesco’s lasting growth path

Compared with the first half of 2016, Tesco reported a 1.1-percent sales growth in the first half of 2017. The sales increase was the biggest in the UK and Ireland....

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Milk’s price going up

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) revealed that the price of raw milk in Hungary was HUF 96.03/kg in September 2017....

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Dairy product prices kept rising in September

In September 2017 consumer prices were 2.5 percent higher on average than in September 2016. Food prices rose 3.1 percent, with butter and spread prices jumping 16.5 percent. Pork’s price...

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Sales were up in August

In August 2017 like-for-like retail volume sales augmented by 4.6 percent; adjusted for calendar effects, the sales growth was the same – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Food and...

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Self-regulation: going at full speed

The Self-regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) does a lot for successful self-regulation in advertising. In the first three quarters of 2017 nearly 600 cases ended up at ÖRT to ask for...

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Czerván: the Hungarian agroexport can be doubled within ten years

The Hungarian agroexport can be doubled within ten years, so it can reach 15-16 billion euros – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Thursday...

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A Hungarian initiative is being discussed on honey in the European Union

A Hungarian initiative is being discussed on honey, apiaries and bee keeping in the European Union, Erdős Norbert Fidesz MEP said at a press conference in Budapest on Sunday. According...

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The EU is investing 30 billion euros for innovation

The European Commission is investing 30 billion euros for new solutions to the societal challenges and breakthrough innovations in the 2018-2020 period from the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework...

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Retail sales grew by 9.3 percent in Romania

In Romania, retail sales grew by 9.3 percent in the first eight months of last year, the Romanian National Statistical Institute announced on Wednesday. According to seasonally adjusted and calendar...

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Two hundred million forints worth smuggled cigarettes were found in a truck on the M3 motorway

Almost two hundred million forint worth untaxed cigarettes were found in a truck on the M3 motorway by the National Tax and Customs Administration’s (NAV) finance ministers – the press...

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It is important to give quality food to the needy children

It is important to give free food to all disadvantaged children in Hungary, and the ministry also pays attention to quality – the Minister of State Secretary of the Ministry...

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The elderly can join to the pensioner cooperative in Békés County

The Keleti Szomszédok Közérdekű Nyugdíjas Szövetkezet (Eastern Neighbors Pensioners’ Association) opened a pensioner cooperative office in Békéscsaba and Szarvas, Békés County – Nagy Gábor President told MTI on Friday. Up...

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Worse than expected consumer sentiment in the United States

The consumer sentiment in the United States was weaker than expected in October compared to the preliminary expectations, but improved in comparison with September. According to the final monthly survey...

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The credibility of the printed word

A French study has revealed that print magazines, if used as part of a multimedia campaign, can increase trust in a given brand and brand preference by up to 7...

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Storm and frost decimates French vine production

French vine production was hit by several bad factors this year: summer frost in Bordeaux, summer storms in Champagne have sprouted grapes, so experts expect a 20 percent drop in...

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Outstanding Merchandising Achievement Awards (OMA) has been rewarding the best in-store displays for more than 50 years. You can see some of this year’s best solutions in the food category. Drinks...

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London analysts: the growth of Central European EU economies will slow down next year

According to recent forecasts by London financial analysts, next year’s growth performance will slow down next year and in 2019, as the growth rate of the Central European EU economies,...

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KSH: the number of employees has increased further

In July-September, the average number of employees was 4 million 451 thousand, 60 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds grew by 1.6 percentage...

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About 200 kilograms of illegally distributed ragweed products were found by Nébih in Baja

About 200 kilograms of illegally-marketed ragweed pills and grist were found by the experts of the National Food Chain Safety Officers (Nébih) in Baja, the agency told MTI. The authority...

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The French suffer from the lack of butter

Supermarkets in France are struggling to stock enough butter for their customers due to a shortage of the dairy product that’s been blamed on a rising global demand for pastries...

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Consumer confidence has decreased in Germany

German consumers are more pessimistic than expected, according to a survey published by GfK on Thursday. The Nuremberg-based Market Research Institute’s November consumer sentiment index decreased to 10.7 points from...

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Brussels’ VAT return: 150 billion euros losses due to VAT frauds

At the beginning of October, the European Commission (EC) presented a reform plan for the EU VAT law, the main objective is to reduce the scope of VAT frauds and...

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School starting not only burdens the parents’ wallet

At the invitation of, belonging to the South African Naspers group, GKI Digital sought out the question within the eMAG customer survey: which products were the most popular in...

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The OTP Bank strives to increase its agricultural loan portfolio

The Hungarian agriculture is an important business area for the OTP Bank and therefore strives to increase its agricultural loan portfolio – the bank’s CEO said on Tuesday in Budapest....

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