Market News

Work safety in agriculture continues to improve

Work safety in agriculture improved further. The number of fatal accidents decreased by nearly 45 percent in the past two years, due to the Ministry of Finance’s campaign called The...

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The Internet of things is inevitable, according to companies

According to companies; the Internet of things is inevitable: more than one third of the companies are using it. 70 percent of them have already gone through the experimental phase,...

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Brexit may cause surprise for online customers

Brexit can also make a big difference for those who order products from the UK via the Internet, as costs and administrative work can increase significantly – Világgazdaság Online wrote....

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The EU invests more than 10 billion euros into innovative clean technologies

The European Commission has announced a multi-sector investment program worth more than 10 billion euros (about 3200 billion HUF) to develop and deliver low-carbon technologies to increase Europe’s global competitiveness...

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Survey on the labor market in the wine and wine sector

The National Council of Mountain Villages (HNT) and the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) have launched an on-line survey to detail the employment characteristics of the vine and wine-producing enterprises...

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Domestic companies are not yet prepared for Brexit

The majority of Hungarian companies find it avoidable for the UK to leave the European Union without an agreement, so it they do not yet prepared for the consequences of...

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European Commission: consumers are often not given clear information when shopping online

Consumers are often not given clear information about prices and discounts during online purchases, and irregularities were found in case of 60 percent of the webshops examined – the European...

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The lowest inflation of the past nine months occurred in the euro area in January

In January, the lowest inflation rate of the past nine months in the euro area was recorded by the European Union Statistical Office, Eurostat, on the basis of final figures...

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Half of the world’s asparagus production is provided by China

Asparagus is practically available on 365 days of the year in China, yet only half of the population knows it – wrote. Half of the world’s total asparagus production...

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The Czechs do not trust the Polish food controls

According to the Czech Minister of Agriculture, Prague continues to consider it necessary to strictly control Polish beef, because they do not trust the Polish food control system. In his...

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20 percent of the Russian GDP is from black economy

The black economy last year accounted for 20 percent of Russian GDP and represented about 20,000 billion rubles – the Russian Federal Audit Office (Rosfinmonyitoring) told RBK Russian economy daily....

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Magazine: POPAI winners in 2018

The winners were ceremonially announced in 5 categories in the POPAI Awards 2018 POP competition on 15 November 2018, at the headquarters of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry....

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GKI: Business expectations deteriorated slightly, while consumer expectations improved in February

Although the GKI economic sentiment index was rising constantly in the last quarter of 2018, it declined during the first two months of 2019. Of business expectations only expectations of...

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The European Commission raises the maximum amount of national support for farmers to 25,000 euros

The European Commission is raising the current ceiling for national support to farmers from 15,000 to 25,000 euros. According to a Brussels panel’s announcement published on Friday, the new EU...

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NAK organizes a series of food hygiene and safety events

The Food Industry Directorate of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economics (NAK) holds a “Food Hygiene and Safety for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” event at three venues in the context...

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Average earnings could rise by 9 percent this year

As a result of the wage agreement concluded last December, according to which the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage increased by 8 percent from January 1, 2019, the...

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Business sentiment in Germany is on a four-year low

In February, the business sentiment in Germany was worse than expected, decreased to a more than four-year low – according to a survey conducted by the Munich-based ifo economic research...

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Brexit without agreement may bring steep rise in prices and a lack of food

Due to food shortages and sudden high tariffs, there would be a risk of steep price increases if the UK would leave the European Union without agreement during the Brexit...

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Air freight traffic slightly increased in 2018

To a lesser extent than in the previous year, air traffic increased by only 3.5 percent in 2018, according to the data of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). According...

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(HU) 38 ezer fővel kevesebb a foglalkoztatottak száma a boltokban

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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KSH: retail sales increased by six percent in 2018

Retail trade turnover in December last year was 3.7 percent higher than a year ago, according to the raw data. Calendar day effect adjusted the growth was 4.1 percent. In...

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The average earnings increased by more than 11 percent last year

In December last year, the average gross earnings were 360,000 HUF, 10.2 percent more than a year before. In January-December 2018, gross average earnings were 329,900 HUF, and net average...

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Eurostat: Fruits are grown on nearly 36.3 thousand hectares in Hungary

In Hungary, fruit was produced on 36.3 thousand hectares in 2017. In the European Union (EU) fruit trees covered nearly 1.3 million hectares of land, two thirds of which were...

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Nielsen: consumer spendings increased

Nearly half of the Hungarians (46 percent) believe they are wealthier than five years ago. The European average is 37 percent. Globally, 58 consumers out of one hundred are more...

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Bakery products can become more expensive

We can expect a further increase in the price of bakery products this year – reported. According to a fresh report of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), wheat is...

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EOS: about 8 percent of Hungarian companies’ revenue is from the collection of late debts

Last year, about 8 percent of companies’ revenues came from the collection of late debts. It is an increase of 2 percentage points, compared to 2017. According to EOS Group’s...

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The German government would reduce the amount of food thrown out by 50 percent

The German government has adopted a strategy to reduce food waste by 50 percent on Wednesday. The 11 million tons a year to be cut by 2030 by 50 percent....

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The inspection of beef from Poland was tightened in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic tightened the inspection of beef imported from Poland on Wednesday with immediate effect. Miroslav Toman, Minister of Agriculture at an extraordinary press conference in Prague, announced that...

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The sales of smartphones have stopped worldwide

In the fourth quarter of last year, the rise in the sales of smartphones in the world market has stopped. In the fourth quarter of last year, global smartphone sales...

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The volume of plant production and livestock production increased

Hungary was among the best performing EU countries on the basis of the real income of production factors per labor unit – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of the...

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