Market News

The Bumpy Cottage cheese was also among the obligatory elements in the Final of the Bocuse d’Or in Hungary

Az Európai Bizottság döntése alapján 2019-ben hagyományos különleges termék elismerést kapott a Rögös túró, mint hagyományos különleges élelmiszert felvette nyilvántartásába az EU. Ezt a fajta védettséget csak olyan termékek kaphatják...

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Magazine: E-commerce: Dynamic growth, growing risk

In the last decade e-commerce’s market share has been growing dynamically in Hungary. From 2019 to 2020 the growth was nearly 35 percent – reports the State Audit Office (ÁSZ)....

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(HU) Márciusban az orosz-ukrán háború hatására a fogyasztói várakozások látványosan, az üzletiek kevésbé romlottak

GKI’s economic sentiment index fell to late spring 2021 levels in March, mainly due to the deterioration of the consumer confidence index. According to a survey conducted by GKI (

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KSH: In February, the number of employees increased to 4,668,000

In February, the average number of employees aged 15-74 was 4,668,000. It is 118,000 more than a year before. According to the three-month moving average considered as the main indicator,...

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AM Secretary of State: Agriculture has doubled its performance in the past 12 years

The performance of agriculture has doubled since 2010, with investments in the sector growing by seventy percent and agricultural exports by eighty percent, Feldman Zsolt, State Secretary for Agriculture and...

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NiT Hungary: immediate and significant price increase could be a way out of the serious situation in the freight market

Immediate and significant price increase can be a way out of the serious situation of the freight market. The Magánvállalkozók Nemzeti Fuvarozó Ipartestülete (NiT Hungary) told MTI that the competitiveness...

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Ifo’s German business sentiment index for March deteriorated significantly

In March, the business sentiment index of the ifo economic research institute in Germany deteriorated much more than expected, mainly due to the deterioration of the outlook due to the...

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Malta Charity Service helps 43,000 refugees in one month

The war in Ukraine broke out a month ago, between 24 February and 24 March, the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service helped 43,129 refugees, distributed 234 million forints worth of donations,...

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(HU) A Tej Terméktanács számos aktivitást tervez a következő két évben

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The press has retained its place in the media cake, in 2021 the total press market revenue is HUF 109.858 billion

The press has retained its place in the media cake, in 2021 the total press market revenue is HUF 109.858 billion.  Despite the economic difficulties caused by the pandemic and...

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Visibility and branding can be a breakout point for those who recognize this

According to recent research by the GVH, social media still dominates retailers’ online campaigns. For the time being, banner ads are less popular among small and medium-sized enterprises, although they...

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Decisions have been taken concerning agri-environmental support

19,000 support decisions have been made in the agri-environmental management and ecological management programmes of the Rural Development Programme, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy said on Thursday....

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K&H: how family companies can solve the shortage of raw materials

Inflation, labour and shortages of raw materials are the biggest challenges for family companies this year, according to the latest event of the K&H Family Companies Club. The latter is...

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Magazin: To our health!

Anita Pusztai, Sió-Eckes Kft.’s marketing director told our magazine that according to Nielsen data, fruit juice sales increased by 8 percent in 2021. Sió-Eckes also had a successful year, preserving...

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The sugar and calorie content of soft drinks has decreased further in Hungary

As a result of the voluntary commitments of the member companies of the Hungarian Mineral Water, Juice and Soft Drinks Association, the average sugar and calorie content of hungarian soft...

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Ministry of Agriculture: a pigeon slaughterhouse and processing plant is under constrzction in Görbeháza

The primary goal of the Ministry of Agriculture is to preserve the diverse agricultural production structure, Minister of Agriculture Nagy István said at the foundation stone ceremony of the pigeon...

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Ministry of Agriculture: a healthy diet is unthinkable without daily fruit consumption

Papp Zsolt György, Deputy State Secretary for Rural Development of the Ministry of Agriculture, gave a presentation on the results of plant modernization in the horticultural sector and the possibilities...

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Two applicants of the TokajTech startup program were given the opportunity to invest capital

Among the applicants for the TokajTech startup program, iBarel received a 20 million HUF start-up capital investment offer, while the professional partner of the program, the Embassy of Israel in...

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In Romania, the area of arable land decreased by 4.1 percent and the number of farms decreased by 25 percent

In Romania, the area of arable land decreased by 4.1 percent between 2010 and 2020, and the number of farms fell by 25 percent, the Romanian National Statistics Institute said...

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GKI Digital & Árukereső.hu: 70 million online purchases boosted e-commerce last year

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The Hero of Action has arrived at Rossmann

Rossmann has come up with a special commercial – in the short film, a “real” centaur walks among the shelves of the drugstore chain, whose mission is to bring the...

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Alföldi Tej Kft. provides support for refugees from Ukraine

Alföldi Tej Kft. supports families fleeing Ukraine in cooperation with the official relief organization of the Hungarian Catholic Church, Catholic Charity. During the donation, Alföldi Tej Kft. distributed more than...

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95% of job advertisements do not include pay, even though it would mean up to 1.5 times more applicants

Due to the shortage of labour, it is a long-standing trend that due to the shortage of employees, it requires increasing investment of strength on the part of companies, in...

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Trademark squatting has begun in Russia

Trademark squatting has begun in Russia. On March 12th, a trademark application was filed for the McDonald’s logo with the words “Uncle Vanya.” The Russian State Duma had earlier suggested...

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Viktor Orbán held talks with the owner and head of Hungexpo

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AM: Hungary will receive nearly 6.4 billion HUF from the 500 million euros EU crisis package

Hungary will receive nearly HUF 6.4 billion from the total crisis management package of EUR 500 million; It is a success of agricultural diplomacy that while the country provides 2.1...

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Irrigation is the basis of safe food production

Irrigation is the basis of safe food production, which is why the size of Hungary’s irrigated areas must be increased, the Minister of Agriculture said at a conference held in...

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British inflation is at its thirty years peak

Inflation in Britain accelerated to its thirty years peak in February. According to a report by the British Bureau of Statistics (ONS) on Wednesday, the twelve-month consumer price index (CPI)...

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