Market News

On top of the wave of inflation

Consumer prices rose at peak rate in the first months of the year. According to a KSH survey, the average increase in consumer prices was 1,2 per cent in February,...

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Playing with categories

Biscuits have been manufactured in Hungary for over a hundred years. Sales are rising while the product range is becoming more colourful and diverse. – The categories where innovations appear...

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Transfer prices to be documented

The number of international transactions is growing. Hungary is becoming integrated into the EU market end a growing number of international enterprises decide to establish regional headquarters of holding companies,...

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Diverse trends, constant growth

Retail sales of household detergents are expanding constantly and amount to nearly HUF 20 billion annually. The rate of growth is different for various segments. The segment of washing agents...

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Brands are more important elsewhere

Experts from PriceWaterhouse Coopers wanted to find out about the level of brand awareness in three countries of the region. Polish consumer habits are determined by the slow growth of...

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Chain-specific demand for detergents

Innovations in detergents are driven by a wide range of factors from the methods of cleaning to trends in kitchen equipment. The fact that the market share of modern products...

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Multinationals within walking distance

According to dr. Károly Flaskay, managing director of PWC, the rate at which new shopping malls are built seems to be falling. On the other hand, hyper markets seem to...

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A change in attitude for manufacturers is needed as well

Hungarian consumers are enthusiastic buyers of pharmaceuticals and OTC products. If OTC products will be purchased during general shopping, the basket value will and profits generated in trade will also...

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Shopping malls still most popular in Budapest

According to KSH data for 2005, the concentration of retail trade into large stores has continued. Shopping malls and hyper markets accounted for 30 per cent of overall retail sales...

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Almost 20 percent cheaper in Italian stores

The number of hyper markets and supermarkets where OTC products are sold in Italy is expected to quadruple this year. According to the Italian subsidiary of Nielsen, a large increase...

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Contrasts under the Caribbean sun

Guadeloupe is an island in the Caribbean sea with an area of 1700 square kilometres and a population of 420 thousand. It is not a well known holiday destination for...

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Warehousing is not enough without other services

Domestic logistic capacity has expanded continuously in recent years, while profits shrunk somewhat. The market is optimistic. Experts expect to see significant development generated by EU subsidies in 2007-2013. Logistics...

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Win, place, show

The success of business plans for the year largely depend on the outcome of annual negotiations. All key account, sales, marketing managers and even general directors face a high level...

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Railway carrying more weight

According to KSH figures, the total volume of transported goods increased by 7,3 per cent in 2006. Total weight of transported goods was 337 million tons. The quantity transported by...

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Success depends on early acceptors

Introducing new products is risky, costly, but unavoidable. Though product development and introduction cost tens of millions, over 80 per cent of new products fail within three years. The surviving...

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Food under scrutiny

According to Miklós Süth, national chief vet, food on the shelves in stores and marketplaces is going to be as safe again as it should be. Consumer trust has diminished...

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MAXITY: small enough for the city!

Everybody is in a hurry in the city and we do not like trucks unloading in narrow streets. We would like to see transport vehicles with small turning circles, which...

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Bio-boom at BioFach

A potential for growth is seen by markets players for bio foods primarily in large stores. An expanding selection of goods was represented at the BioFach exhibition held in Nurnberg....

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Cafeteria becoming more popular

A growing number of companies are using the cafeteria system, which allows them to save money and provide more benefits for employees. As a result of growing taxes, many companies...

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The masculine beverage

Beer is a masculine beverage, according to data for the second half of 2006 from GfK Hungária and Szonda Ipsos PMX. One out of two people above the age of...

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Something wrong with cheap ham

Good ham is Hungarian and branded. In short, this is the advice given by the Association of Hungarian Meat Industry before Easter. This also applies to other types of meat...

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To be reworded?

A study examining retail activities and referred to as the Hoffmann-report has caused a lot of controversy since its publication. Allegedly, parts of the report dealing with agriculture are to...

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Hungarian retail trade keeping pace

According to an Eurostat estimate, revenues in retail trade grew by 3,3 per cent on average in the 25 EU countries during 2006. In Hungary, revenues in retail trade grew...

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More money for community marketing

The possibilities for community agricultural marketing are enhanced by professional associations being able to utilise sources from their membership for their activities. Hungarian Community Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC) has a...

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Unbalanced poultry

The Agricultural Research Institute (AKI) monitors international poultry and meat market trends which are published in regular publications. Data from KSH and the price info system of AKI is worth...

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True hit

According to the Retail Index of Nielsen, the market position of chocolate bars shows spectacular improvement. Retail sales grew by 14 per cent in terms of value and 11 per...

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Peak inflation in the first quarter

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt., the new economic policy which begun in mid 2006 has led to tensions and is having a major effect on the economy....

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Structure intact during growth

The “price wave” generated by chocolate imports of recent years has not succeeded in changing the structure of the market or weakening the positions of strong brands. The dumping of...

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Looking behind the figures

Hyper markets took a high share – 38 per cent – from the overall sales of household chemical products last year. This percentage is 29 for food sales which means...

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