Market News

Széchenyi Card: always at hand

64 savings co-operatives have joined the sales network of Széchenyi Card so far, as a result of an agreement signed with the National Alliance of Savings Co-operatives and Takarékszövetkezeti Bank...

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Gel fix and preserving sugar on top of the list

According to the Retail Index of Nielsen, preservation of fruits at home is becoming more popular. Sales grew by 43 per cent in terms of value between February 2006 –January...

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High prestige ice tea brands

Lemon and peach, relative expensiveness and a growth rate of 20 per cent annually – these are all characteristics of the ice tea market. Ice tea is a growing category...

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Spring wave of Austrian weeks

Spar, Cora, Metro. These three chains have organised Austrian food weeks in Hungary this spring. The three year long international promotional campaign for Austrian food with an annual budget of...

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Failure to pay no longer a shame

AccAccording to a recent analysis by Coface Hungary the insolvency rate for Hungarian enterprises grew by 24 per cent in the first quarter of the year, compared to the same...

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Compact preservatives are for young people as well

Sometimes modern convenience products serve to preserve traditions. Making jam, or preserving fruits at home would probably disappear from kitchens if such processes could not be completed much faster than...

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Market share of more expensive nectars and juices growing

While HoReCaA sales of fruit and vegetable juices fell by 4 per cent in terms in volume, the same grew by 3 per cent in terms of value between December...

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A new age for the meat trade

Practically all households buy meat products. The main topic of the international seminar Packforum® held in March, was vacuum sealed packaging. Sealed Air Cryovac knows more than any other company...

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Less imported products of higher quality

The proportion of imported products on the shelves of food stores did not increase last year, but quality was better than before.. However, manufacturers and retailers do not seem to...

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Razor blades disposed of, sales growing

According to the Retail index of Nielsen, the market of shaving products is expanding. The number of razor blades and disposable razors sold in 2006 was over 50 million with...

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Bakery products showing biggest price rise

Food prices were 9 per cent higher on average in March than a year before. Prices of bakery products rose by net 4,8 per cent compared to February. The prices...

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2006 was the year of grain

2006 was a successful year for Hungarian exporters of agricultural products. Exports grew by nearly 10 per cent-over the year, while imports expanded by 10,3 per cent. Imports from the...

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Slogans for shaving: convenience, skin care, design

Continuous innovation has left its mark in the market of shaving products. Shaving foam is losing its appeal, after shave lotions are no longer all about masculine fragrance, while razors...

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Turkey market: recession not as bad as expected

Production of turkey meat in the EU declined by only 3,5 per cent last year, though 5,5 per cent was expected by experts. According to a forecast by USDA, the...

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Germany, traditionally our largest market for agricultural products continued to show expansion in 2006. The rate of expansion was 5,5 per cent, which was below the average, but revenues of...

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Objective: to follow contours perfectly

Convenience is the most important requirement in the HUF 1,5 billion market of electric razors. The primary objective during development is to allow a perfect shave even in places which...

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Waiting for interest rates to fall

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató ZRt made with the co-operation of Erste Bank, the objectives of the convergence program for this year are almost certainly going to be...

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Our exports to Russia, our fourth biggest export market in Europe, stagnated in 2006. The traditionally biggest item, canned vegetables showed a decline of 20 per cent. Exports of some...

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Drugstores selling largest quantity of insecticides

According to the retail index of Nielsen, the market of insecticides expanded last year. Sales grew by 15 per cent in terms of volume, while by 6 per cent in...

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Foreigners staying longer

The total number of nights spent by foreign and domestic visitors at commercial places of accommodation in the first two months of the year grew by 5 per cent compared...

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Austria is our third largest export market and it is our fourth biggest supplier. Exports of EUR 297 million were 10 per cent up last year, while imports of EUR...

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Electricity is the future in fighting insects

This is an FMCG category , where global warming has a positive effect. The warmer the weather gets, the more insects we have to fight. Aerosols still account for half...

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Promotional leaflets: improving quality and content

According to the findings published in GfK Leaflet Monitor, the market of promotional leaflets published regularly by retail chains has seen substantial development. The number of such publications is growing...

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Romania was our fifth biggest export market last year, with export totalling EUR 212,4 million and showing an increase of 8,3 per cent. Pork was a very significant export item,...

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Welcoming new possibilities for purchasing

Hungarians spend a lot of money on pharmaceutical products. Practically all families keep pain killers and fever reducers at home. Young people and city dwellers have welcomed new legislation which...

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Banking services stagnate

Hungarian use of services provided by banks only grew 72 to 74 per cent last year according to a survey by GfK Hungária Piackutató Intézet. This rate is much lower...

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The Netherlands

The Netherlands is our third biggest supplier of agricultural products. Our exports to the Netherlands grew by 2,6 per cent in 2006, to EUR 150 million. Exports of corn increased...

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More OTC products available

The Hungarian market of OTC products is between HUF 70-80 billion annually. Food retail trade may take a 3-4 per cent share from this market. The OTC market shows annual...

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When Christmas is over

Growth of the revenues in retail trade slowed down in January 2007 again. It was only 1,2 per cent more than a year before. Retail sales totalled HUF 404,7 billion...

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Exports to the Polish market of agricultural products grew by 22,4 per cent. Our export of EUR 152 million was composed of diverse products. The most significant item among these...

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