Market News

The global credit crunch hold in the European Household Demand

Euro zone retail sales turned out much weaker than expected in October. The European Union's statistics office said retail sales in the 13 countries using the euro fell 0.7 percent...

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Retail chains help suppliers to be more competative

According to Research Institute of Economics and Enterprises project the multinational retail companies have paradox effect on suppliers. Global trends indicate that there is increased concentration underway in the retail...

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EU Tenders for Developing Hungarian Logistic Centers and Services

From the HUF 11,3 billion 25-35 project could be financed.   In a frame of tenders 30% of building cost of a regional and 50% of building cost of an...

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British traders are on call

Shoplifters will steal more than £431 million worth of goods during the build-up to Christmas in England. On the busiest shopping day of the year, on Saturday, December 22, retailers...

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Campona to buy for €110 mln

The shopping center was opened 8 years ago, its occupancy level is over 97%. Basic tenats are C&A, H&M, Electro World, Hervis.  ING Real Estate has today announced the €110...

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Food prices continue to rise

Experts agree that the prize increase of maize and rice will be on a higher rate than this year. The latest report by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization...

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Tax stamps with bar code for drink in Hungary

In the future only 3 kinds of tax stamps will use in contrast the 42 from today. From next June-July supervisors of Hungarian Customs and Finance Guard use bar code...

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The big companies are more optimistic

Economic research firm Ecostat's business confidence index was 87,6% at SMEs and 100,5% at TOP 100 in November. At Hungary's one hundred largest companies, almost 25% of the managers reported...

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16,000 kilos poisoned pear from Italy

Specialist measured twice more fungicide as much the authorized maximum. Until the problem was disclosed more than 13,000 kilos were sold. Authority said pears are not danger for people, for...

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Slow growth, stubbornly high inflation

Hungary's internal and external balances are expected to improve on expectations this year. According to the latest report by think-tank GKI and Erste bank published the government deficit to shrink...

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Consumers like own-brand goods

Almost three quarters of consumers have a positive perception of supermarket own-brand goods, a new study has found in England.  Supermarket supplier Catalus questioned over 500 consumers on how they...

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Test lab in the future's restaurant

Cameras monitor every reaction of the customers.  In the new research center, devoted to exploring a both simple and complicated question: What makes people eat and drink the way they...

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10 tons food was found in the re-labeling plant

In the Sparkle-action the supervisors pounced in a food depot in Budapest. In the illegal food depot relabeled and new dated foods: meat, sweets, eggs and softdrinks were found. The...

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Auchan to invest 0.5bn-euro in Romania

French retailer targets 22 cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants by 2010.  "We will continue to expand with large-scale hypermarkets, because this what we specialise in. The Discount Market store...

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Conctactles payment starts in Europe

French hypermarket chain to trial contactless payment of MasterCard Europe. Normal the PayPass technology is used by shopping under 25 euro, but this card could make the payment 40% faster...

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Hungarian Tax and Financial Control Administration increase the default penalty

Next year guilty must pay HUF 1 million because of invoice problem.   The default fines increase from HUF 100,000  to 200,000, form 200,000 to 500,000. One million HUF is...

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Fake milkdisributor found

The Budapester enterpreuter operated without permissions.  In Sparkler-action, collective control of several authorities, 5 tons milk product were found. The milk, cheese, cottage-cheese in value of  HUF 7-8 million must...

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HUF 680 billion excise in government pocket

Due to the continuously control increase the legal petrol, cigarettes and alcohol sales. According to industrial dates there was 7.1% higher sales in the first 10 months as a year...

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Next year's carriage must cover the lost from this year too

According to plans of Budapest local government trucks should pay ten times higher fees for coming into the city as now. Association of Transport Companies said this year carriage can't...

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Dynamic face creams, primarily in drugstores

Retail sales of daily face creams and cleansers show dynamic growth of 13 per cent and have approached HUF 9 billion annually. According to the Retail Index of Nielsen, drugstores...

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Cattle for slaughter past the bottom

Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI) constantly monitors trends in the world market of poultry and meat. Data from the Market Price Information system of KSH and AKI can be useful...

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Creams for all age groups

Manufacturers of hand creams, face creams and body lotions need to reconcile two different consumer needs. One is that products should only contain natural ingredients, while the other is that...

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Half way correction of course

The corrective economic measures seen at present in Hungary are being used at a time of economic boom in the EU and also of growing global uncertainty. The deficit of...

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Swine sector bleeding from several wounds

Meat production is becoming increasingly concentrated in Hungary, with less than fifty enterprises generating three-quarters of domestic sales and the major part of export. The Hungarian meat processing industry ceased...

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Animals behind

According to KSH data, the prices of agricultural produce were 18 per cent up in August 2007, compared to August 2006. The average price of plant produce showed an increase...

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Mild recession in the poultry sector

There have not been many positive developments in recent years for the poultry sector. According to data from the Poultry Product Council, 427,000 tonnes of poultry was sold to industry...

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Decline continuing

Revenues of retail stores continued to decline in August 2007. Total sales were 3.6 per cent down compared to August 2006. According to KSH data, the volume of retail sales...

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Milk price to continue rising

According to Miklós Istvánfalvi, chairman of the Milk Product Council, this year has brought major changes for milk producers. Prices have begun to rise. In July for example, these were...

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Product info from the net

According to the Internet Insight Report of Gfk Hungária, Internet is already an important source of pre-purchase information for customers, despite the fact that online sales are still marginal in...

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Fewer but more modern mills

Hungary is part of the corn belt of Europe. Annual production is between 13-16 million tonnes. An increasing proportion of production is warehoused and exported. As an result of the...

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